API Endpoint
https://api.cimediacloud.comCi API enables you to manage your files in Ci or to extend your own application with a media optimized cloud based file system. You can securely store, retrieve and archive files of any size using traditional HTTP transfers or by leveraging our media transport for high speed transfers. Content uploaded to Ci will be validated for integrity so that you can be sure we got every last bit. Ci will also create the proxies that you’ve come to love just like we do when you upload through the award-winning user interface.
Ci API is organized around REST and uses HTTP verbs and response codes that most clients are familiar with.
All requests must be formatted as
Content-Type: application/json
(except where noted). -
All responses are also formatted JSON, encoded in the UTF-8 character encoding (
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
). -
The Accept header will be ignored for all requests.
requsts must include theContent-Length
Ci API uses the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant flow of OAuth 2.0 for authentication and allows applications to submit authenticated requests on behalf of individual Ci users.
First, encode your credentials
Then you exchange these encoded credentials along with your client credentials for an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token
Once you’ve done that, you simply include your token with all of your Ci requests
An authorization header containing a valid access token must be included in every Ci API request like follows:
Authorization: Bearer 5262d64b892e8d43410as3d01
The bearer token is your key to accessing all of your resources via Ci API. Keep it safe.
SSL must be used in all Ci API interactions.
IP Restrictions
Ci API access can be limited to specific (trusted) IP addresses or IP ranges to further enforce security and restrict unapproved access. If you are interested in limiting API access to specific IP ranges contact our customer success team.
API Update Guidelines
Our API is constantly being updated with new features and improvements to existing ones. These updates ensure the API evolves with customer and industry demands. Managing this change to ensure we provide a reliable, consistent, and backward compatible API design is a critical challenge for our team. Every new and improved feature is put through a peer review process to ensure:
it will not change an existing resource to the extent it breaks current customer implementations,
that it is consistent with existing resources (therefore predictable and easy to use).
The following guidelines are used in our peer review process to understand what constitutes acceptable change for our API and our customers.
Changes we avoid:
Removing or renaming request or response content fields
Removing or renaming query string parameters
Removing or changing the location of a resource
Changing the API domain
Changes we approve and introduce:
Adding new resources
Adding new, optional request content fields
Adding new, optional query string parameters
Adding new response content fields
Adding new response header information
If, for any reason, we cannot avoid any of the non-backward compatible changes mentioned above, we will implement a deprecation schedule. This schedule will be provided to all customers with the goal of giving them adequate time to accommodate the updates.
Looking further out, as our API evolves and industry standards dictate, we do anticipate the possibility that an entirely new API version will be needed. If and when that happens we will, once again, provide a deprecation schedule for the existing version that will ensure all customers have time to upgrade.
Additional information:
Undocumented resources and properties are considered to be in beta release and are subject to change without notification.
Developer Keys
Please contact our customer success team to sign up for a developer key and begin using our API today.
Change Log
Visit the change log for more information about Ci API changes.
When an error is encountered you will receive an HTTP status code along with a message and error code in the body of the response. The message is intended to give a user-friendly explanation of the error while the error codes are designed to be machine readable codes that applications can use to better understand the context of the error and react appropriately.
We use the following status codes for errors:
Status Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – The request contains errors. |
401 | Unauthorized – The authentication process failed, or the access token is not valid. |
403 | Forbidden – Access to this resource is restricted for the given caller. |
404 | Not Found – The specified resource could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed – An invalid method was used to access a resource. |
406 | Not Acceptable – An unsupported format was requested. |
409 | Conflict – The requested operation on the resource cannot be made due the resource state. |
500 | Internal Server Error – There was a problem with the API host server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – API is temporarily offline for maintenance. Try again later. |
Rate Limiting
To reduce overuse and protect our platform, we have a rate limiting system in place that will provide details about the number of requests you have made in a specific time period. Clients will receive a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests
error if they are in excess of the policy. If you receive a 429
HTTP response we recommend delaying your next API request by the amount of time (in seconds) sent in the Retry-After
The default rate limit policy is 3,000 calls per 15 minute period, however, if you need a different policy please work with our Customer Success team. All API Responses will contain the following headers:
Header | Meaning |
X-RateLimit-Limit | The maximum allowed number of requests in the policy’s given period of time |
X-RateLimit-Remaining | The remaining requests in the policy’s given period of time |
X-RateLimit-Reset | The time at which the current rate limit 5-minute window resets in UTC epoch seconds (it resets at the next minute) |
Retry-After | The delay, in seconds, the client should follow before retrying |
Authentication ¶
There are a few different ways to get an OAuth2 token from Ci. The first option listed, using Ci user credentials, will be the most common.
Using Ci User Credentials
Generates a valid access token which can be used in subsequent calls to Ci API. This resource uses Basic Authorization. Follow these steps to retrieve an access token:
Concatenate your Ci username, a colon character “:”, and your Ci password into a single string
Base64 encode the string from Step 1
Include the resulting encoded string from Step 2 in an Authorization header as follows
Authorization: Basic [encoded string]
Using a Refresh Token
Refresh tokens are long-lived (14 days) authentication tokens that can be used to replace expired access tokens without providing user credentials. Refresh tokens are issued when an access token is requested using Ci user credentials (additionally, they are issued when requesting a new access token with a refresh token).
When requesting an access token using a refresh token you must use a grant type of ‘refresh_token’ and provide the refresh token in the request body. There is no need to include the Ci user credentials in the Authorization header.
Using a Delegate Token
Delegate tokens are short-lived authentication tokens that can be used to grant temporary and limited API access to 3rd party clients. For example, rather than upload a cover element file through a Ci enabled application, a delegate token could be used in a Javascript based application so that the file may be uploaded to Ci directly from a browser.
When requesting a delegate token, an access token or a refresh token is required in the Authorization header. Additionally, an asset ID and a scope must be provided in the request body to ensure that the delegate token allows limited access to Ci.
Once you receive a delegate token you can then use it in the Authorization header just like a regular access token.
Generate Access Token ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic [encoded credentials]
"client_id": "yjtgrjdag8is4cxb",
"client_secret": "q1h0jt4fi0bctwb5",
"grant_type": "password"
Property name | Type | Description |
client_id | string (required) | Client id used to access Ci API. |
client_secret | string (required) | Client secret used to access Ci API. |
grant_type | string (required) | The OAuth2 grant type for authentication. |
Content-Type: application/json
"access_token": "h3s6zk4o93wfjwwp",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "q8eml5kormli7aq6"
Property name | Type | Description |
access_token | string | The bearer token that can be used in subsequent requests. |
expires_in | number | The number of seconds that the token will expire. Currently set to 86400 (24 hours). |
token_type | string | The type of token. Always returns ‘bearer’. |
refresh_token | string | The token which can be used to regenerate a new access token without providing authentication details. Refresh tokens expire in 14 days. |
Content-Type: application/json
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Parameter grant_type is required"
Property name | Type | Description |
error | string | Machine readable error code |
error_description | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
"client_id": "yjtgrjdag8is4cxb",
"client_secret": "q1h0jt4fi0bctwb5",
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "3g4atvsqc6pfcaht"
Property name | Type | Description |
client_id | string (required) | Client id used to access Ci API. |
client_secret | string (required) | Client secret used to access Ci API. |
grant_type | string (required) | The OAuth2 grant type. |
refresh_token | string (required) | The previously issued refresh token that will be used to get new access token and updated refresh token. |
Content-Type: application/json
"access_token": "h3s6zk4o93wfjwwp",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "q8eml5kormli7aq6"
Property name | Type | Description |
access_token | string | The bearer token that can be used in subsequent requests. |
expires_in | number | The number of seconds that the token will expire. Currently set to 86400 (24 hours). |
token_type | string | The type of token. Always returns ‘bearer’. |
refresh_token | string | The token which can be used to regenerate a new access token without providing authentication details. Refresh tokens expire in 14 days. |
Content-Type: application/json
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Parameter grant_type is required"
Property name | Type | Description |
error | string | Machine readable error code |
error_description | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic [encoded credentials]
"assetId": "nooumy2aiumufg3w",
"scope": "UploadCoverElement"
Property name | Type | Description |
assetId | string (required) | The asset id that can be accessed or modified using the requested token. |
scope | string (required) | The scope of actions that may be performed on the given asset. Currently the only valid value is ‘UploadCoverElement’. |
Content-Type: application/json
"access_token": "h3s6zk4o93wfjwwp",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "bearer"
Property name | Type | Description |
access_token | string | The bearer token that can be used in subsequent requests. |
expires_in | number | The number of seconds that the token will expire. Currently set to 86400 (24 hours). |
token_type | string | The type of token. Always returns ‘bearer’. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "TokenScopeNotProvided",
"message": "Token scope not provided"
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Generate Access TokenPOST/oauth2/token
Generates the OAuth2 token. See the right context panel for examples of each type of authorization request.
OAuth error responses conform to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework and therefore return two properties: error and error_description. These 2 properties are returned instead of Message and Code like all other resources.
Status Code | error | error_description |
400 | invalid_request | Parameter grant_type is required. |
400 | unsupported_grant_type | Grant type is not supported. |
400 | invalid_request | Parameter client_id is required. |
400 | invalid_request | Parameter client_secret is required. |
400 | invalid_request | Parameter refresh_token is required. |
400 | invalid_request | Missing or invalid authorization header. |
400 | invalid_request | Refresh token not found. |
400 | invalid_request | Refresh token has expired. |
400 | invalid_request | Refresh token has been revoked. |
400 | invalid_request | Token provided is not a refresh token. |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | TokenScopeNotProvided | Token scope not provided. |
400 | AssetIdNotProvided | Asset Id was not provided. |
401 | invalid_client | Invalid client id and client secret combination. |
401 | invalid_client | Invalid username and password combination. |
Networks ¶
Networks are where Workspaces and users are managed. You can think of a Network as the organizational structure within Ci for a company or a division.
List Events ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2018-12-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CreateWorkspace",
"workspaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. Supported types are ‘CreateWorkspace’, ‘RenameWorkspace’, and ‘DeleteWorkspace’. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. Returned values are ‘CreateWorkspace’, ‘RenameWorkspace’, and ‘DeleteWorkspace’ |
items[].workspaces | array | The set of Workspaces involved in the event. |
items[].workspaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].workspaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "NetworkNotFound",
"message": "Network not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List EventsGET/networks/{networkId}/events{?since,type,limit,offset,orderDirection}
- networkId
(required)The unique identifier of the Network.
- since
(optional)Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’).
- type
(optional)Comma-separated list of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 50.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
Retrieves events that occurred for a given Network. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘since’ and ‘type’ parameters, it is possible to filter events by date and event type. The results are ordered by date created.
The following event types can be used when filtering for Network events:
CreateWorkspace - Workspace was created.
RenameWorkspace - Workspace was renamed.
DeleteWorkspace - Workspace was deleted.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 50. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryFilter | Invalid query filter. |
404 | NetworkNotFound | Network not found. |
Workspaces ¶
Workspaces are where assets and people come together to get things done. Assets are uploaded into Workspaces. Folders, MediaBoxes and WorkSessions are created in Workspaces. Users are invited into Workspaces. This paradigm gives you the control you need to make sure that the right people have access to the right assets.
Create Workspace ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "My new Team Workspace",
"storageAllotted": {
"value": 50,
"unit": "GB"
"manageMembersPrivilege": "WorkspaceAdmin",
"purgeTrashPrivilege": "NetworkOwner",
"isArchiveEnabled": true,
"isAsperaEnabled": false,
"members": [
"note": "A note attached to the new Workspace"
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
storageAllotted | object (required) | Information about the storage to be allotted to the new Workspace. |
storageAllotted.value | number (required) | The size value to allocate. |
storageAllotted.unit | string | The unit of size to allocate. This value can be |
manageMembersPrivilege | string (required) | The minimum role level that will be allowed to manage the members of the new Workspace. The valid values, ordered from less restrictive to more restrictive, are: |
purgeTrashPrivilege | string (required) | The minimum role level that will be allowed to purge the trashed files of the new Workspace. The valid values, ordered from less restrictive to more restrictive, are: |
isArchiveEnabled | boolean | Indicates if archiving files should be available for the new Workspace. If omitted, defaults to |
isAsperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera should be available for the new Workspace. If omitted, defaults to |
members | array | The list of user Ids or email addresses who are invited to collaborate in the new Workspace. The users will be emailed immediately upon creation of the workspace. |
note | string | Text body for a user generated note for the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "bu1m7ii2zo8lexkq",
"name": "My Team Workspace",
"class": "Team",
"rootFolderId": "oaeybnyoggs97nzw",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"assetCount": 0,
"isDeleted": false,
"plan": {
"name": "Custom Workspace"
"storage": {
"allotted": 1099511627776,
"used": 0,
"usedByAssets": 0,
"usedByElements": 0
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"owner": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"entitlements": {
"isAperaEnabled": true,
"isArchiveEnabled": true
"userLastAccessedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"runtime": {
"video": 1000024
"note": {
"text": "I am a note.",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the workspace. |
name | string | The name of the workspace. |
class | string | Indicates if it is a ‘Team’ or ‘Personal’ workspace. |
rootFolderId | string | The unique identifier of the default folder. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the workspace was created. |
lastActivityOn | string | The datetime the last activity was recorded for the workspace. |
assetCount | number | The total number of assets in the workspace. |
isDeleted | boolean | Indicates whether the workspace is active or deleted. Note: listing a user’s workspaces will only return active workspaces. |
plan | object | The subscription plan associated with this workspace. | | string | The display name of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. |
storage | object | Information about Ci storage statistics for the workspace. |
storage.allotted | number | The total storage capacity of the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.used | number | The total storage used by the files (both assets and elements) in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByAssets | number | The storage used by the assets in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByElements | number | The storage used by the assets’ elements in the workspace, in bytes. |
network | object | Information about workspace’s parent network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
owner | object | Information about the owner of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
entitlements | object | Information about entitlements granted to this workspace. |
entitlements.isAperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is available for this workspace. |
entitlements.isArchiveEnabled | boolean | Indicates if archiving files is available for this workspace. |
userLastAccessedOn | string | Indicates the last time the user accessed the workspace. |
runtime | object | Information about the runtime of the asset. | | number | The duration of all video assets in the workspace, in seconds. |
note | object | User generated note field for the workspace. |
note.text | string | The text body of the note. |
note.createdOn | string | The datetime the note was created. |
note.createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
note.modifiedOn | string | The datetime the note was last updated. |
note.modifiedBy | object | Information about the last person to update the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "MissingOrInvalidAllottedStorage",
"message": "Missing or invalid allotted storage."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Create WorkspacePOST/networks/{networkId}/workspaces
- networkId
(required)Identifier of the Network.
Creates a new Team Workspace.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidAllottedStorage | Missing or invalid allotted storage. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidRoleForPrivilege | Missing or invalid role for at least one of the required privileges. |
400 | InsufficientSpaceAvailable | Allotted storage for workspace will exceed the network’s allowed storage. |
400 | InvalidOperationOnPersonalNetwork | The requested operation cannot be performed on a Personal Network. |
404 | NetworkNotFound | Network not found. |
Workspace ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "bu1m7ii2zo8lexkq",
"name": "My Team Workspace",
"class": "Team",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"assetCount": 105000,
"isDeleted": false,
"plan": {
"id": "team-2",
"name": "Team - Large"
"storage": {
"allotted": 1099511627776,
"used": 1073741824,
"usedByAssets": 536870912,
"usedByElements": 536870912
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"owner": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"entitlements": {
"isAperaEnabled": true
"bannerUrl": "",
"logoUrl": "",
"userRole": "WorkspaceOwner",
"userInviteStatus": "Joined",
"userLastAccessedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"runtime": {
"video": 1000024
"note": {
"text": "I am a note.",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"stats": {
"activeCount": 10,
"activeStorageUsed": 1024,
"archivedCount": 10,
"archivedStorageUsed": 1024,
"recycledCount": 10,
"recycledStorageUsed": 1024,
"temporaryRestoredCount": 10,
"temporaryRestoredStorageUsed": 1024,
"storageAllotted": 10,
"storageUsed": 1024,
"dataTransferAllotted": 1024,
"dataTransferUsed": 512
"rootFolderId": "oaeybnyoggs97nzw",
"availableRenderTargets": [
"name": "Best Fit AVC",
"key": "best-fit-avc",
"description": "Render to AVC with best match based on source codec and specs"
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the workspace. |
name | string | The name of the workspace. |
class | string | Indicates if it is a ‘Team’ or ‘Personal’ workspace. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the workspace was created. |
lastActivityOn | string | The datetime the last activity was recorded for the workspace. |
assetCount | number | The total number of assets in the workspace. |
isDeleted | boolean | Indicates whether the workspace is active or deleted. Note: listing a user’s workspaces will only return active workspaces. |
plan | object | The subscription plan associated with this workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. | | string | The display name of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. |
storage | object | Information about Ci storage statistics for the workspace. |
storage.allotted | number | The total storage capacity of the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.used | number | The total storage used by the files (both assets and elements) in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByAssets | number | The storage used by the assets in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByElements | number | The storage used by the assets’ elements in the workspace, in bytes. |
network | object | Information about workspace’s parent network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
owner | object | Information about the owner of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
entitlements | object | Information about entitlements granted to this workspace. |
entitlements.isAperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is available for this workspace. |
bannerUrl | string | If available, the link to the banner image. |
logoUrl | string | If available, the link to the logo image. |
userRole | string | Indicates the role of the user in the Workspace. Supported values are ‘WorkspaceAdmin’ and ‘WorkspaceOwner’. |
userInviteStatus | string | Indicates the status of the user in the Workspace. Supported values are ‘Invited’, ‘Joined’. |
userLastAccessedOn | string | Indicates the last time the user accessed the workspace. |
runtime | object | Information about the runtime of the asset. | | number | The duration of all video assets in the workspace, in seconds. |
note | object | User generated note field for the workspace. |
note.text | string | The text body of the note. |
note.createdOn | string | The datetime the note was created. |
note.createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
note.modifiedOn | string | The datetime the note was last updated. |
note.modifiedBy | object | Information about the last person to update the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
stats | object | Data storage and data transfer stats for the Workspace. |
stats.activeCount | number | The number of files that are uploaded and not trashed, archived or restored. |
stats.activeStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are uploaded and not trashed, archived or restored. |
stats.archivedCount | number | The number of files that are archived. |
stats.archivedStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are archived. |
stats.recycledCount | number | The number of files that are in the trash. |
stats.recycledStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are in the trash. |
stats.temporaryRestoredCount | number | The number of files (in bytes) that are in temporarily restored. |
stats.temporaryRestoredStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are in temporarily restored. |
stats.storageAllotted | number | The total storage allotted for this Workspace. |
stats.storageUsed | number | The total storage used (in bytes) for this Workspace (excluding deleted or archived files, note: this number does include temporarily restored files). |
stats.dataTransferAllotted | number | The total data transfer (upload and download) allotted for this Workspace (in bytes). |
stats.dataTransferUsed | number | The total data transfer (upload and download) used for this Workspace (in bytes). |
rootFolderId | string | The unique identifier of the default folder. |
availableRenderTargets | array | Available custom transcode render profiles. These profiles are part of a Network that customer service can setup. |
availableRenderTargets[].name | string | The target profile name. |
availableRenderTargets[].key | string | The target profile key used when creating render jobs. |
availableRenderTargets[].description | string | The description of the render target. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Get Workspace DetailsGET/workspaces/{workspaceId}
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
Retrieves the information of the given workspace.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "A new name for my Team Workspace",
"storageAllotted": {
"value": 50,
"unit": "GB"
"manageMembersPrivilege": "WorkspaceAdmin",
"purgeTrashPrivilege": "NetworkOwner",
"isArchiveEnabled": true,
"isAsperaEnabled": false,
"note": "A note attached to the Workspace"
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
storageAllotted | object | Information about the storage to be allotted to the Workspace. |
storageAllotted.value | number (required) | The size value to allocate. |
storageAllotted.unit | string | The unit of size to allocate. This value can be |
manageMembersPrivilege | string | The minimum role level that will be allowed to manage the members of the Workspace. The valid values, ordered from less restrictive to more restrictive, are: |
purgeTrashPrivilege | string | The minimum role level that will be allowed to purge the trashed files of the Workspace. The valid values, ordered from less restrictive to more restrictive, are: |
isArchiveEnabled | boolean | Indicates if archiving files should be available for the Workspace. |
isAsperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera should be available for the Workspace. |
note | string | Text body for a user generated note for the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "bu1m7ii2zo8lexkq",
"name": "My Team Workspace",
"class": "Team",
"rootFolderId": "oaeybnyoggs97nzw",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"assetCount": 0,
"isDeleted": false,
"plan": {
"name": "Custom Workspace"
"storage": {
"allotted": 1099511627776,
"used": 0,
"usedByAssets": 0,
"usedByElements": 0
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"owner": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"entitlements": {
"isAperaEnabled": true,
"isArchiveEnabled": true
"userLastAccessedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"runtime": {
"video": 1000024
"note": {
"text": "I am a note.",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the workspace. |
name | string | The name of the workspace. |
class | string | Indicates if it is a ‘Team’ or ‘Personal’ workspace. |
rootFolderId | string | The unique identifier of the default folder. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the workspace was created. |
lastActivityOn | string | The datetime the last activity was recorded for the workspace. |
assetCount | number | The total number of assets in the workspace. |
isDeleted | boolean | Indicates whether the workspace is active or deleted. Note: listing a user’s workspaces will only return active workspaces. |
plan | object | The subscription plan associated with this workspace. | | string | The display name of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. |
storage | object | Information about Ci storage statistics for the workspace. |
storage.allotted | number | The total storage capacity of the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.used | number | The total storage used by the files (both assets and elements) in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByAssets | number | The storage used by the assets in the workspace, in bytes. |
storage.usedByElements | number | The storage used by the assets’ elements in the workspace, in bytes. |
network | object | Information about workspace’s parent network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
owner | object | Information about the owner of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
entitlements | object | Information about entitlements granted to this workspace. |
entitlements.isAperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is available for this workspace. |
entitlements.isArchiveEnabled | boolean | Indicates if archiving files is available for this workspace. |
userLastAccessedOn | string | Indicates the last time the user accessed the workspace. |
runtime | object | Information about the runtime of the asset. | | number | The duration of all video assets in the workspace, in seconds. |
note | object | User generated note field for the workspace. |
note.text | string | The text body of the note. |
note.createdOn | string | The datetime the note was created. |
note.createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
note.modifiedOn | string | The datetime the note was last updated. |
note.modifiedBy | object | Information about the last person to update the note. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Update WorkspacePUT/workspaces/{workspaceId}
- workspaceId
(required)Identifier of the Workspace.
Updates an existing Workspace.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
400 | InvalidAllottedStorage | Invalid allotted storage. |
400 | InvalidRoleForPrivilege | Invalid role for one of the provided privileges. |
400 | AllottedStorageLessThanUsed | The requested allotted storage cannot be less than the current used storage. |
400 | InsufficientSpaceAvailable | Allotted storage for workspace will exceed the network’s allowed storage. |
400 | InvalidOperationOnPersonalNetwork | The requested operation cannot be performed on a Personal Network. |
400 | InvalidOperationOnWorkspace | The requested operation can only be performed on a Team Workspace. |
403 | InsufficientPermissions | Insufficient permissions for update Workspace name. |
403 | InsufficientPermissions | Insufficient permissions for update Workspace note. |
403 | InsufficientPermissions | Insufficient permissions for update Workspace settings. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
List User Workspaces ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"items": [
"id": "bu1m7ii2zo8lexkq",
"name": "My Team Workspace",
"class": "Team",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"assetCount": 105000,
"isDeleted": false,
"plan": {
"id": "team-2",
"name": "Team - Large"
"storage": {
"allotted": 1099511627776,
"used": 1073741824,
"usedByAssets": 536870912,
"usedByElements": 536870912
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"owner": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"entitlements": {
"isAperaEnabled": true
"bannerUrl": "",
"logoUrl": "",
"userRole": "WorkspaceOwner",
"userInviteStatus": "Joined",
"userLastAccessedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"runtime": {
"video": 1000024
"note": {
"text": "I am a note.",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"modifiedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"stats": {
"activeCount": 10,
"activeStorageUsed": 1024,
"archivedCount": 10,
"archivedStorageUsed": 1024,
"recycledCount": 10,
"recycledStorageUsed": 1024,
"temporaryRestoredCount": 10,
"temporaryRestoredStorageUsed": 1024,
"storageAllotted": 10,
"storageUsed": 1024,
"dataTransferAllotted": 1024,
"dataTransferUsed": 512
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
items | array | The workspaces returned. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the workspace. |
items[].name | string | The name of the workspace. |
items[].class | string | Indicates if it is a ‘Team’ or ‘Personal’ workspace. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the workspace was created. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime the last activity was recorded for the workspace. |
items[].assetCount | number | The total number of assets in the workspace. |
items[].isDeleted | boolean | Indicates whether the workspace is active or deleted. Note: listing a user’s workspaces will only return active workspaces. |
items[].plan | object | The subscription plan associated with this workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. |
items[] | string | The display name of the subscription plan associated with the workspace. |
items[].storage | object | Information about Ci storage statistics for the workspace. |
items[].storage.allotted | number | The total storage capacity of the workspace, in bytes. |
items[].storage.used | number | The total storage used by the files (both assets and elements) in the workspace, in bytes. |
items[].storage.usedByAssets | number | The storage used by the assets in the workspace, in bytes. |
items[].storage.usedByElements | number | The storage used by the assets’ elements in the workspace, in bytes. |
items[].network | object | Information about workspace’s parent network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].owner | object | Information about the owner of the workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].entitlements | object | Information about entitlements granted to this workspace. |
items[].entitlements.isAperaEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is available for this workspace. |
items[].bannerUrl | string | If available, the link to the banner image. |
items[].logoUrl | string | If available, the link to the logo image. |
items[].userRole | string | Indicates the role of the user in the Workspace. Supported values are ‘WorkspaceAdmin’ and ‘WorkspaceOwner’. |
items[].userInviteStatus | string | Indicates the status of the user in the Workspace. Supported values are ‘Invited’, ‘Joined’. |
items[].userLastAccessedOn | string | Indicates the last time the user accessed the workspace. |
items[].runtime | object | Information about the runtime of the asset. |
items[] | number | The duration of all video assets in the workspace, in seconds. |
items[].note | object | User generated note field for the workspace. |
items[].note.text | string | The text body of the note. |
items[].note.createdOn | string | The datetime the note was created. |
items[].note.createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the note. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].note.modifiedOn | string | The datetime the note was last updated. |
items[].note.modifiedBy | object | Information about the last person to update the note. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].stats | object | Data storage and data transfer stats for the Workspace. |
items[].stats.activeCount | number | The number of files that are uploaded and not trashed, archived or restored. |
items[].stats.activeStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are uploaded and not trashed, archived or restored. |
items[].stats.archivedCount | number | The number of files that are archived. |
items[].stats.archivedStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are archived. |
items[].stats.recycledCount | number | The number of files that are in the trash. |
items[].stats.recycledStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are in the trash. |
items[].stats.temporaryRestoredCount | number | The number of files (in bytes) that are in temporarily restored. |
items[].stats.temporaryRestoredStorageUsed | number | The total size of files (in bytes) that are in temporarily restored. |
items[].stats.storageAllotted | number | The total storage allotted for this Workspace. |
items[].stats.storageUsed | number | The total storage used (in bytes) for this Workspace (excluding deleted or archived files, note: this number does include temporarily restored files). |
items[].stats.dataTransferAllotted | number | The total data transfer (upload and download) allotted for this Workspace (in bytes). |
items[].stats.dataTransferUsed | number | The total data transfer (upload and download) used for this Workspace (in bytes). |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "InvalidLimitOrOffset",
"message": "Invalid limit or offset value."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List User WorkspacesGET/workspaces{?limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields}
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of workspaces to return. The maximum is 500.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: nameThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
Retrieves all workspaces the calling user has access to.
It is suggested to use the fields
parameter to specify that only required fields are returned.
Doing this can give significant performance gains. Only first level field names are accepted for
inclusion (therefore you cannot choose specific sub-fields to include, you must choose to include the entire parent field).
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 500. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, ‘NetworkName’ or ‘LastActivityOn’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
List Workspaces Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"type": [
"items": [
"id": "bcdc34b53e2c4c18ac41ca288e28d11f",
"name": "",
"size": 107856722,
"type": "Video",
"format": "mov",
"folder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"status": "Complete",
"description": "Final cut",
"thumbnails": [
"type": "large",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"source": {
"id": "elementId1",
"kind": "element"
"isExternal": false
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"type": "video-3g",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"videoBitRate": 1650000,
"audioBitRate": 128000,
"isExternal": false
"md5Checksum": "tk2ma0zrhrp5irco",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"acquisitionSource": {
"name": "Workspace"
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"archiveType": "Standard",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"restoreExpirationDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoreRequestDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastRestoreDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoredBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"archiveDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"archivedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"uploadCompleteDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isTrashed": false,
"uploadTransferType": "SinglepartHttp",
"runtime": 1024,
"totalFolderCount": 1,
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "resolution",
"value": "1080p",
"readOnly": false
"technicalMetadata": {
"type": "Video",
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"image": {
"width": 100,
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"xResolution": 100,
"yResolution": 100,
"resolutionUnit": "cm",
"cameraMake": "Nikon",
"cameraModel": "D300",
"locationCity": "New York",
"locationState": "NY",
"locationCountry": "USA",
"exif": {
"imageWidth": "3888",
"imageHeight": "2592",
"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
"serialNumber": "0380227035",
"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
"creatorCountry": "United Kingdom"
"avContainer": {
"bitRate": 11934620,
"duration": 100,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"derivedTimeCode": "00:00:00:00",
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"type": "Video",
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"codecSettings": "Little / Signed",
"fourCC": "avc1",
"width": 1280,
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"totalFrames": 1024,
"duration": 100,
"frameRateNumerator": 360,
"frameRateDenominator": 12,
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"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
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"videoColorPrimaries": "DCI P3",
"videoChromaSubsampling": "4:2:2",
"videoScanTypeStoreMethod": "Interleaved fields",
"audioSampleRate": 32000,
"audioChannelCount": 2,
"audioLayout": "Stereo",
"audioAnalysis": "Stereo",
"rotate": 0
"dolbyContainer": {
"duration": 9.6,
"fileSize": 80294994,
"overallBitRateMode": "CBR",
"overallBitRate": 66912495,
"totalChannels": 58,
"bedChannels": 10,
"numberOfBeds": 1,
"bitDepth": 24,
"samplingRate": 48000,
"downmix51X": "Direct Render",
"trimModesSummary": "automatic + manual_0",
"trimChannel20Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel51Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel71Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel212Mode": "manual_0",
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"associatedVideoFrameRate": 23.976,
"start": "01:00:00:00",
"fFoA": "01:00:00:00",
"end": "01:03:30:13",
"metadataFormat": "ADM, Version 0",
"admProfile": "Dolby Atmos Master, Version 1",
"numberOfProgrammes": 1,
"numberOfObjectChannels": 48,
"numberOfPackFormats": 49,
"numberOfChannelFormats": 58,
"binauralRenderModesSummary": "Off + Near + Mid + Far",
"binauralRenderModesOffCount": 9,
"binauralRenderModesNearCount": 8,
"binauralRenderModesMidCount": 13,
"binauralRenderModesFarCount": 1,
"truePeakLevels": -3.14,
"loudness": -16.67
"hlsPlaylistUrl": "",
"acquisitionContext": {
"name": "",
"path": "original/source/path"
"isExternal": false,
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"kind": "Asset"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
type | array | Indicates the type filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘image’, ‘video’, ‘audio’, ‘document’, ‘timedtext’, or ‘other’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of the asset, including its extension. Its maximum length is 512 characters. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].folder | object | Information about the asset’s parent folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. See this section for more information. |
items[].description | string | A comment or note associated to the asset. Its maximum length is 1000 characters. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].md5Checksum | string | The calculated md5 checksum for the asset. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the asset |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].modifiedOn | string | The datetime the asset record was last modified. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the asset record. |
items[].acquisitionSource | object | Information about the asset’s source client application. |
items[] | string | The name of the client application that uploaded the asset. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].archiveType | string | If available, the kind of archive used for storing the asset. Valid values are |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].restoreExpirationDate | string | If available, the datetime the restored copy of the asset’s source file will no longer be available. |
items[].restoreRequestDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was requested to be restored. |
items[].lastRestoreDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last restored. |
items[].restoredBy | object | If available, information about the user who restored the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].archiveDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last archived. |
items[].archivedBy | object | If available, information about the user who archived the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].uploadCompleteDate | string | The datetime the asset upload was completed. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if an asset is in the trash bin. |
items[].uploadTransferType | string | Indicates how the asset was uploaded. Valid values are ‘SinglepartHttp’, ‘MultipartHttp’, ‘Aspera’, ‘Copy’, ‘FTP’, ‘WorkspaceSend’. |
items[].runtime | number | The duration of the media asset, in seconds. |
items[].totalFolderCount | number | The amount of folders where the asset exists. |
items[].network | object | Information about the asset’s network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated and basic technical metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].readOnly | boolean | Flag to set a read-only metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].acquisitionContext | object | The file acquisition information. |
items[] | string | The original source file name, captured on acquisition. |
items[].acquisitionContext.path | string | The original source file path, captured on acquisition. |
items[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the file is stored in an external source. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the asset’s workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Asset’ for assets. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"type": [
"items": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "My Folder",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "intendedFor",
"value": "landscapeImages"
"stats": {
"childFolderCount": 2
"parentId": "nqyptt047b7qc9y3",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"parentFolder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"isTrashed": false,
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
type | array | Indicates the type filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘image’, ‘video’, ‘audio’, ‘document’, ‘timedtext’, or ‘other’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
items[].name | string | The name of the folder. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
items[].network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
items[].stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
items[].parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List Workspace ContentsGET/workspaces/{workspaceId}/contents{?kind,type,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields,extraFields}
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
- kind
(optional) Default: allDetermines which kind of items will be returned.
- type
(optional) Default: allDetermines which type of items will be returned.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 100.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: nameThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
- extraFields
(optional)A comma separated list of extra fields to return in the response. If this value is empty, the extra fields will not be included in the response.
Retrieves all subfolders and all assets of the given workspace, regardless of the folder hierarchy. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘kind’ parameter, it is possible to choose which kind of items to return (subfolders, assets or both). If both are returned, the items are grouped by kind (subfolders first, then assets). The ‘type’ parameter filters the assets based on their format. The available options are ‘image’, ‘video’, ‘audio’, ‘document’, ‘timedtext’, and ‘other’. By specifying a type, the request will only return assets of that particular format. For example, setting ‘type=image’ will return only image files. If any ‘type’ value is provided no folders will be returned.
It is suggested to use the fields
parameter to specify that only required fields are returned.
Doing this can give significant performance gains. Only first level field names are accepted for
inclusion (therefore you cannot choose specific sub-fields to include, you must choose to include the entire parent field).
By default, some fields are not included in the API response for performance reasons.
You can include them with the extraFields
Currently, the only extra field we support is commentStats
which will return the number of comments for a file and if the current user has any unread comments.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, ‘Status’, ‘Type’, ‘Size’ or ‘CreatedBy’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryKindFilter | Invalid kind filter. It must be either ‘All’, ‘Asset’ or ‘Folder’. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
List Trash Bin Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "bcdc34b53e2c4c18ac41ca288e28d11f",
"name": "",
"size": 107856722,
"type": "Video",
"format": "mov",
"folder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"status": "Complete",
"description": "Final cut",
"thumbnails": [
"type": "large",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"source": {
"id": "elementId1",
"kind": "element"
"isExternal": false
"proxies": [
"type": "video-3g",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"videoBitRate": 1650000,
"audioBitRate": 128000,
"isExternal": false
"md5Checksum": "tk2ma0zrhrp5irco",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"acquisitionSource": {
"name": "Workspace"
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"archiveType": "Standard",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"restoreExpirationDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoreRequestDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastRestoreDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoredBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"archiveDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"archivedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"uploadCompleteDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isTrashed": false,
"uploadTransferType": "SinglepartHttp",
"runtime": 1024,
"totalFolderCount": 1,
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "resolution",
"value": "1080p",
"readOnly": false
"technicalMetadata": {
"type": "Video",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"image": {
"width": 100,
"height": 300,
"xResolution": 100,
"yResolution": 100,
"resolutionUnit": "cm",
"cameraMake": "Nikon",
"cameraModel": "D300",
"locationCity": "New York",
"locationState": "NY",
"locationCountry": "USA",
"exif": {
"imageWidth": "3888",
"imageHeight": "2592",
"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
"serialNumber": "0380227035",
"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
"creatorCountry": "United Kingdom"
"avContainer": {
"bitRate": 11934620,
"duration": 100,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"derivedTimeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"streams": [
"index": 0,
"type": "Video",
"bitRate": 11934620,
"bitDepth": 8,
"bitRateMode": "CBR",
"codec": "h264",
"codecName": "ProRes",
"codecProfile": "422 HQ",
"codecSettings": "Little / Signed",
"fourCC": "avc1",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"totalFrames": 1024,
"duration": 100,
"frameRateNumerator": 360,
"frameRateDenominator": 12,
"videoPARWidth": 1,
"videoPARHeight": 1,
"videoDARWidth": 19,
"videoDARHeight": 24,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"videoColorSpace": "bt709",
"videoScanOrder": "TFF",
"videoScanType": "Interlaced",
"videoColorPrimaries": "DCI P3",
"videoChromaSubsampling": "4:2:2",
"videoScanTypeStoreMethod": "Interleaved fields",
"audioSampleRate": 32000,
"audioChannelCount": 2,
"audioLayout": "Stereo",
"audioAnalysis": "Stereo",
"rotate": 0
"dolbyContainer": {
"duration": 9.6,
"fileSize": 80294994,
"overallBitRateMode": "CBR",
"overallBitRate": 66912495,
"totalChannels": 58,
"bedChannels": 10,
"numberOfBeds": 1,
"bitDepth": 24,
"samplingRate": 48000,
"downmix51X": "Direct Render",
"trimModesSummary": "automatic + manual_0",
"trimChannel20Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel51Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel71Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel212Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel512Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel712Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel214Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel514Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel714Mode": "manual_0",
"associatedVideoFrameRate": 23.976,
"start": "01:00:00:00",
"fFoA": "01:00:00:00",
"end": "01:03:30:13",
"metadataFormat": "ADM, Version 0",
"admProfile": "Dolby Atmos Master, Version 1",
"numberOfProgrammes": 1,
"numberOfObjectChannels": 48,
"numberOfPackFormats": 49,
"numberOfChannelFormats": 58,
"binauralRenderModesSummary": "Off + Near + Mid + Far",
"binauralRenderModesOffCount": 9,
"binauralRenderModesNearCount": 8,
"binauralRenderModesMidCount": 13,
"binauralRenderModesFarCount": 1,
"truePeakLevels": -3.14,
"loudness": -16.67
"hlsPlaylistUrl": "",
"acquisitionContext": {
"name": "",
"path": "original/source/path"
"isExternal": false,
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"kind": "Asset"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of the asset, including its extension. Its maximum length is 512 characters. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].folder | object | Information about the asset’s parent folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. See this section for more information. |
items[].description | string | A comment or note associated to the asset. Its maximum length is 1000 characters. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].md5Checksum | string | The calculated md5 checksum for the asset. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the asset |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].modifiedOn | string | The datetime the asset record was last modified. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the asset record. |
items[].acquisitionSource | object | Information about the asset’s source client application. |
items[] | string | The name of the client application that uploaded the asset. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].archiveType | string | If available, the kind of archive used for storing the asset. Valid values are |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].restoreExpirationDate | string | If available, the datetime the restored copy of the asset’s source file will no longer be available. |
items[].restoreRequestDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was requested to be restored. |
items[].lastRestoreDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last restored. |
items[].restoredBy | object | If available, information about the user who restored the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].archiveDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last archived. |
items[].archivedBy | object | If available, information about the user who archived the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].uploadCompleteDate | string | The datetime the asset upload was completed. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if an asset is in the trash bin. |
items[].uploadTransferType | string | Indicates how the asset was uploaded. Valid values are ‘SinglepartHttp’, ‘MultipartHttp’, ‘Aspera’, ‘Copy’, ‘FTP’, ‘WorkspaceSend’. |
items[].runtime | number | The duration of the media asset, in seconds. |
items[].totalFolderCount | number | The amount of folders where the asset exists. |
items[].network | object | Information about the asset’s network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated and basic technical metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].readOnly | boolean | Flag to set a read-only metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].acquisitionContext | object | The file acquisition information. |
items[] | string | The original source file name, captured on acquisition. |
items[].acquisitionContext.path | string | The original source file path, captured on acquisition. |
items[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the file is stored in an external source. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the asset’s workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Asset’ for assets. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "My Folder",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "intendedFor",
"value": "landscapeImages"
"stats": {
"childFolderCount": 2
"parentId": "nqyptt047b7qc9y3",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"parentFolder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"isTrashed": false,
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
items[].name | string | The name of the folder. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
items[].network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
items[].stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
items[].parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List Trash Bin ContentsGET/workspaces/{workspaceId}/trashbin{?kind,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields}
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
- kind
(optional) Default: allDetermines which kind of items will be returned.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 100.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: nameThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
Retrieves the trashed items of a given workspace. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘kind’ parameter, it is possible to choose which kind of items to return (subfolders, assets or both). If both are returned, the items are grouped by kind (subfolders first, then assets).
It is suggested to use the fields
parameter to specify that only required fields are returned.
Doing this can give significant performance gains. Only first level field names are accepted for
inclusion (therefore you cannot choose specific sub-fields to include, you must choose to include the entire parent field).
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, ‘Status’, ‘Type’, ‘Size’, ‘TrashedOn’ or ‘CreatedBy’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryKindFilter | Invalid kind filter. It must be either ‘All’, ‘Asset’ or ‘Folder’. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
Search Workspace Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
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Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of the asset, including its extension. Its maximum length is 512 characters. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].folder | object | Information about the asset’s parent folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. See this section for more information. |
items[].description | string | A comment or note associated to the asset. Its maximum length is 1000 characters. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].md5Checksum | string | The calculated md5 checksum for the asset. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the asset |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].modifiedOn | string | The datetime the asset record was last modified. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the asset record. |
items[].acquisitionSource | object | Information about the asset’s source client application. |
items[] | string | The name of the client application that uploaded the asset. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].archiveType | string | If available, the kind of archive used for storing the asset. Valid values are |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].restoreExpirationDate | string | If available, the datetime the restored copy of the asset’s source file will no longer be available. |
items[].restoreRequestDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was requested to be restored. |
items[].lastRestoreDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last restored. |
items[].restoredBy | object | If available, information about the user who restored the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].archiveDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last archived. |
items[].archivedBy | object | If available, information about the user who archived the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].uploadCompleteDate | string | The datetime the asset upload was completed. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if an asset is in the trash bin. |
items[].uploadTransferType | string | Indicates how the asset was uploaded. Valid values are ‘SinglepartHttp’, ‘MultipartHttp’, ‘Aspera’, ‘Copy’, ‘FTP’, ‘WorkspaceSend’. |
items[].runtime | number | The duration of the media asset, in seconds. |
items[].totalFolderCount | number | The amount of folders where the asset exists. |
items[].network | object | Information about the asset’s network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated and basic technical metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].readOnly | boolean | Flag to set a read-only metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].acquisitionContext | object | The file acquisition information. |
items[] | string | The original source file name, captured on acquisition. |
items[].acquisitionContext.path | string | The original source file path, captured on acquisition. |
items[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the file is stored in an external source. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the asset’s workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Asset’ for assets. |
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"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
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"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
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Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
items[].name | string | The name of the folder. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
items[].network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
items[].stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
items[].parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Search Workspace ContentsGET/workspaces/{workspaceId}/search{?query,kind,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields}
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
- query
(required)The search query keywords. Its length must be 2 or more characters and can contain multiple keywords which are between 2 to 20 characters each. Keywords must be separated by whitespace. For example, ‘demo jpg’.
- kind
(optional) Default: allDetermines which kind of items will be returned.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 100.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: relevanceThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
Searches for assets and folders inside a given workspace. The search operation is case insensitive and supports partial matching. This means the result set will include any asset or folder that contains any of the search keywords in it’s name. The search can contain multiple keywords as long as each keyword is separated by whitespace and is between 2 and 20 characters in length. The results are sorted by relevance so the items that match the most keywords will be at the top (note: regardless of relevance, folders always appear above assets in search results).
It is suggested to use the fields
parameter to specify that only required fields are returned.
Doing this can give significant performance gains. Only first level field names are accepted for
inclusion (therefore you cannot choose specific sub-fields to include, you must choose to include the entire parent field).
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, or ‘Relevance’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryKindFilter | Invalid kind filter. It must be either ‘All’, ‘Asset’ or ‘Folder’. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
Purge Trash ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Trash was purged"
Property name | Type | Description |
message | string | Indicates successful purge. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Purge TrashPOST/workspaces/{workspaceId}/purgetrash
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
Deletes all trashed folders and assets for a workspace.
All folders and assets are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
List Events ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CreateAsset",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": ""
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CreateElement",
"elements": [
"id": "90d69c891da1457ca3bd3d856ad487c2",
"name": "stillImage.jpg"
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": ""
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].elements | array | The set of elements involved in the event. |
items[].elements[].id | string | The unique identifier of the element. |
items[].elements[].name | string | The name of the element and its extension. |
items[].assets | array | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CreateElement",
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].folders | array | The set of folders involved in the event. |
items[].folders[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].folders[].name | string | The name of folder. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "RemoveAssetFromCatalogFolder",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": ""
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].folders | array | The folders were the removed or deleted asset was located. |
items[].folders[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].folders[].name | string | The name of folder. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "DownloadProxy",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"proxyTypes": [
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].proxyTypes | array (required) | Indicates the quality level of the proxy that was involved in the event. Valid values are |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "DownloadThumbnail",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"thumbnailTypes": [
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].thumbnailTypes | array (required) | Indicates the size of the thumbnail that was involved in the event. Valid values are |
items[].spaces | array | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CopyAsset",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"folderIds": [
"context": "Source"
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"folderIds": [
"context": "Target"
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"context": "Source"
"id": "d45a566763434889b7b8e555176d6a2b",
"name": "Folder Name",
"context": "Target"
"elements": [
"id": "90d69c891da1457ca3bd3d856ad487c2",
"name": "stillImage.jpg",
"context": "Source"
"id": "1ba89a93d03e4715868afe733c2f2d58",
"name": "stillImage.jpg",
"context": "Target"
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"context": "Source"
"id": "df998c289e594a2187717b6836c83a25",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"context": "Target"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].folderIds | array (required) | The set of folders (for this asset) involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].context | string (required) | Indicates whether this asset is the |
items[].folders | array (required) | The set of folders involved in the event. |
items[].folders[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].folders[].name | string (required) | The name of folder. |
items[].folders[].context | string (required) | Indicates whether this folder is the |
items[].elements | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].elements[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the element. |
items[].elements[].name | string (required) | The name of the element and its extension. |
items[].elements[].context | string (required) | Indicates whether this element is the |
items[].mediaBoxes | array | If the event is for a MediaBox event, the set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].context | string (required) | Indicates whether this Space is the |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "AssetArchiveStatusChange",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"previousArchiveStatus": "Archived"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].archiveStatus | string (required) | If available, the archive status of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].assets[].previousArchiveStatus | string (required) | If available, the archive status of the asset prior to the event. Valid values are |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "AssetRestoreStatusChange",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"previousRestoreStatus": "Restore in progress"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].restoreStatus | string (required) | If available, the restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are |
items[].assets[].previousRestoreStatus | string (required) | If available, the restore status of the asset prior to the event. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "AssetMetadataChange",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"metadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "New York"
"previousMetadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "Los Angeles"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string (required) | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].assets[].metadata | array (required) | The updated metadata values for the asset. |
items[].assets[].metadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].assets[].metadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].assets[].previousMetadata | array (required) | The previous metadata values for the asset. |
items[].assets[].previousMetadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].assets[].previousMetadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "FolderMetadataChange",
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"metadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "New York"
"previousMetadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "Los Angeles"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].folders | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].folders[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].folders[].name | string (required) | The name of folder. |
items[].folders[].metadata | array (required) | The updated metadata values for the folder. |
items[].folders[].metadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].folders[].metadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].folders[].previousMetadata | array (required) | The previous metadata values for the folder. |
items[].folders[].previousMetadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].folders[].previousMetadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "ElementMetadataChange",
"elements": [
"id": "90d69c891da1457ca3bd3d856ad487c2",
"name": "stillImage.jpg",
"metadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "New York"
"previousMetadata": [
"name": "Location",
"value": "Los Angeles"
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].elements | array (required) | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].elements[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the element. |
items[].elements[].name | string (required) | The name of the element and its extension. |
items[].elements[].metadata | array (required) | The updated metadata values for the folder. |
items[].elements[].metadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].elements[].metadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].elements[].previousMetadata | array (required) | The previous metadata values for the folder. |
items[].elements[].previousMetadata[].name | string (required) | The name / key of the metadata field |
items[].elements[].previousMetadata[].value | string (required) | The value of the metadata field |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "AssetRestoreStatusChange",
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution",
"settings": {
"expirationDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isDeleted": false,
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"type": "Secure",
"recipients": [
"watermarkingEnabled": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array (required) | The set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string (required) | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings | object (required) | The current settings of the MediaBox |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.expirationDate | string (required) | The datetime the MediaBox expires. This property will not appear if the MediaBox never expires. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.isDeleted | boolean (required) | Indicates whether the MediaBox was closed / deleted by a user. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.assetIds | array (required) | The list of assets selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include assets in any folders for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.folderIds | array (required) | The list of folders selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include any sub-folders for the selected folders. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.type | string (required) | The security level of the MediaBox. Valid values are |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.recipients | array (required) | The list of recipients selected for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.watermarkingEnabled | boolean (required) | Indicates whether watermarking is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowSourceDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether source file download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowPreviewDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether preview/proxy or custom render download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowElementDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether element download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"catalogId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"workspaceId": "moqxhkej4epvgrwz",
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"type": [
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"orderDirection": "desc"
Property name | Type | Description |
catalogId | string | The unique identifier of the Catalog. |
workspaceId | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
since | string | Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’). |
type | array | List of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types. |
limit | number | The number of items to return. The maximum is 50. |
offset | number | The item at which to begin the response. |
orderDirection | string | The order direction the items should be returned. |
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Desc",
"direction": "CreatedOn"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "AssetRestoreStatusChange",
"mediaBoxes": [
"id": "21c41d5dea414d2ba5f113adfe28214e",
"name": "Videos for distribution",
"settings": {
"expirationDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isDeleted": false,
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"type": "Secure",
"recipients": [
"watermarkingEnabled": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true
"previousSettings": {
"expirationDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"isDeleted": false,
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"type": "Secure",
"recipients": [
"watermarkingEnabled": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true
"spaces": [
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results | | string | The sort order of the results. Valid values are |
order.direction | string | The field used to sort the results. The only valid value is |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes | array (required) | The set of MediaBoxes involved in the event. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].name | string (required) | The name of MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings | object (required) | The current settings of the MediaBox |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.expirationDate | string (required) | The datetime the MediaBox expires. This property will not appear if the MediaBox never expires. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.isDeleted | boolean (required) | Indicates whether the MediaBox was closed / deleted by a user. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.assetIds | array (required) | The list of assets selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include assets in any folders for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.folderIds | array (required) | The list of folders selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include any sub-folders for the selected folders. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.type | string (required) | The security level of the MediaBox. Valid values are |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.recipients | array (required) | The list of recipients selected for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.watermarkingEnabled | boolean (required) | Indicates whether watermarking is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowSourceDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether source file download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowPreviewDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether preview/proxy or custom render download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].settings.allowElementDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether element download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings | object (required) | The previous settings of the MediaBox |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.expirationDate | string (required) | The datetime the MediaBox expires. This property will not appear if the MediaBox never expires. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.isDeleted | boolean (required) | Indicates whether the MediaBox was closed / deleted by a user. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.assetIds | array (required) | The list of assets selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include assets in any folders for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.folderIds | array (required) | The list of folders selected for the MediaBox. Note: this does not include any sub-folders for the selected folders. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.type | string (required) | The security level of the MediaBox. Valid values are |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.recipients | array (required) | The list of recipients selected for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.watermarkingEnabled | boolean (required) | Indicates whether watermarking is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.allowSourceDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether source file download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.allowPreviewDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether preview/proxy or custom render download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].mediaBoxes[].previousSettings.allowElementDownload | boolean (required) | Indicates whether element download is enabled for the MediaBox. |
items[].spaces | array (required) | The set of Spaces (Workspaces or Catalogs) involved in the event. |
items[].spaces[].id | string (required) | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[].spaces[].name | string (required) | The name of the Workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List EventsPOST/events
Retrieves events for a given Catalog
or Workspace
. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the since
and type
parameters, it is possible to filter events by date and event type. The results are ordered by date created.
The following event types can be used when filtering for Workspace or Catalog events.
Asset and Element Events
CreateAsset - Asset is created but not yet uploaded. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
CreateElement - Element is created but not yet uploaded. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
RenameAsset - Asset was renamed. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
RenameElement - Element was renamed. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
DeleteAsset - Asset was deleted. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
DeleteElement - Element was deleted. The response data can be found under the
Remove/Delete Asset Event
example. -
RemoveAssetFromCatalogFolder - An asset was removed from a Catalog folder but not deleted from the Catalog. The response data can be found under the
Remove/Delete Asset Event
example. -
TrashAsset - Asset was trashed. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
UntrashAsset - Asset was restored from the trash. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
UploadAsset - Asset was successfully uploaded. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
AssetProcessingFinished - Asset is done processing (please note: the result of that processing activity could have the following asset statuses -
). The response data can be found under theBasic Asset Event
example. -
ElementProcessingFinished - Element is done processing. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
PremiumProxyProcessingFinished - Premium preview / proxy is done processing. The response data can be found under the
Preview/Proxy Event
example. -
MoveAsset - Asset was moved to a different folder. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
CopyAsset - Asset was copied. This event will be available when any asset copy occurs, including copy within a Space, copy to another Space, or save from a MediaBox. The response data can be found under the
Copy Event
example. -
CopyAssetsToCatalog - Assets were copied to a Catalog. The response data can be found under the
Copy Event
example. -
CopyAssetsToWorkspace - Assets were copied to a Workspace. The response data can be found under the
Copy Event
example. -
CopyAssetToFileRequest - Asset was copied to a File Request. The response data can be found under the
Copy Event
example. -
CopyElement - Element was copied. This event will be available when any element copy occurs, including copy within a Space or copy to another Space. The response data can be found under the
Copy Event
example. -
AssetArchiveStatusChange - Asset archive status was changed. The response data can be found under the
Asset Archive Event
example. -
AssetRestoreStatusChange - Asset restore status was changed. The response data can be found under the
Asset Restore Event
example. -
AssetMetadataChange - Asset metadata has changed. The response data can be found under the
Asset Metadata Event
example. -
ElementMetadataChange - Element metadata has changed. The response data can be found under the
Element Metadata Event
example. -
DownloadAsset - Asset was downloaded using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
DownloadElement - Element was downloaded using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
DownloadPreview - Preview / proxy was downloaded using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Preview/Proxy Event
example. -
DownloadThumbnail - Ci generated thumbnail or frame grab was downloaded using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Ci Generated Thumbnail Event
example. -
DownloadAssetWithAspera - Asset was downloaded using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
DownloadElementWithAspera - Element was downloaded using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
DownloadPreviewWithAspera - Preview / proxy was downloaded using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Preview/Proxy Event
example. -
DownloadThumbnailWithAspera - Ci generated thumbnail was downloaded using Aspera.The response data can be found under the
Ci Generated Thumbnail Event
example. -
DownloadAssetFromMediaBox - Asset was downloaded from a MediaBox using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
DownloadAssetFromMediaBoxWithAspera - Asset was downloaded from a MediaBox using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Asset Event
example. -
DownloadElementFromMediaBox - Element was downloaded from a MediaBox using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
DownloadElementFromMediaBoxWithAspera - Element was downloaded from a MediaBox using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Element Event
example. -
DownloadPreviewFromMediaBox - A preview / proxy was downloaded from a MediaBox using standard download. The response data can be found under the
Preview/Proxy Event
example. -
DownloadPreviewFromMediaBoxWithAspera - A preview / proxy was downloaded from a MediaBox using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Preview/Proxy Event
example. -
SaveAssetsFromMediabox - Assets where saved from a mediabox to a Workspace or Catalog. Note: this event can contain multiple
in the response. The response data can be found under theBasic Asset Event
Folder Events
CreateFolder - Folder was created. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
MoveFolder - Folder was moved to a different folder. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
RenameFolder - Folder was renamed. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
TrashFolder - Folder was trashed. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
UntrashFolder - Folder was restored from the trash. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
DeleteFolder - Folder was permanently deleted. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
FolderMetadataChange - Folder metadata has changed. The response data can be found under the
Folder Metadata Event
example. -
DownloadFolderWithAspera - Folder was downloaded using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
example. -
DownloadFolderFromMediaBoxWithAspera - Folder was downloaded from a MediaBox using Aspera. The response data can be found under the
Basic Folder Event
MediaBox Events
CreateMediabox - Mediabox was created. The response data can be found under the
Create and Open MediaBox Event
example. -
OpenMediabox - Mediabox was opened. The response data can be found under the
Create and Open MediaBox Event
example. -
UpdateMediabox - Mediabox was updated in settings or content. The response data can be found under the
Update MediaBox Event
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 50. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryFilter | Invalid query filter. |
404 | CatalogNotFound | Catalog not found. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
List Workspace Events ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"filter": {
"type": [
"since": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"
"items": [
"id": "prffhlw9iptcfqfc",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"type": "CreateAsset",
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": ""
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
filter | object | Information about the filter used for retrieving events. |
filter.type | array | Indicates the event types used as a filter in the request. Supported types are ‘AssetProcessingFinished’, ‘CreateAsset’, ‘RenameAsset’, ‘RenameElement’, ‘DeleteAsset’, ‘TrashAsset’, ‘UploadAsset’ and ‘MoveAsset’, ‘UntrashAsset’, ‘CopyAsset’, ‘AssetArchiveStatusChange’, ‘AssetRestoreStatusChange’, ‘AssetMetadataChange’, ‘CreateFolder’, ‘MoveFolder’, ‘RenameFolder’, ‘TrashFolder’, ‘UntrashFolder’, ‘DeleteFolder’, ‘FolderMetadataChange’. This field is omitted if no type was used to filter events. |
filter.since | string | Indicates the timestamp used as a filter in the request. This field is omitted if no timestamp was used to filter events. |
items | array | The set of events returned by the query. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the event. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the event occurred. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the event creator. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].type | string | The type of the event. |
items[].assets | array | The set of assets involved in the event. |
items[].assets[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].assets[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].folders | array | The set of folders involved in the event. |
items[].folders[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].folders[].name | string | The name of folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List Events (Deprecated)GET/workspaces/{workspaceId}/events{?since,type,limit,offset,orderDirection}
- workspaceId
(required)The unique identifier of the workspace.
- since
(optional)Filters the events by their creation date. The operation will only return events that occurred on or after the given timestamp. Value must be in IS0 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z’).
- type
(optional)Comma-separated list of event types to filter by. Omit this parameter to return all supported event types.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 50.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
This endpoint has been DEPRECATED in favor of the Events API above.
Retrieves events that occurred on a given Workspace. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘since’ and ‘type’ parameters, it is possible to filter events by date and event type. The results are ordered by date created.
The following event types can be used when filtering for Workspace events:
AssetProcessingFinished - Asset is done processing (please note: the result of that processing activity could have the following asset statuses - Complete, Limited, VirusDetected, ExecutableDetected).
CreateAsset - Asset is created but not yet uploaded.
RenameAsset - Asset was renamed.
RenameElement - Element was renamed.
DeleteAsset - Asset is deleted.
TrashAsset - Asset is trashed.
UntrashAsset - Asset was restored from the trash.
UploadAsset - Asset is uploaded successfully.
MoveAsset - Asset was moved to a different folder.
CopyAsset - Asset was copied into the Workspace.
AssetArchiveStatusChange - Asset archive status is changed.
AssetRestoreStatusChange - Asset restore status is changed.
AssetMetadataChange - Asset metadata has changed.
CreateFolder - Folder was created.
MoveFolder - Folder was moved to a different folder.
RenameFolder - Folder was renamed.
TrashFolder - Folder was trashed.
UntrashFolder - Folder was restored from the trash.
DeleteFolder - Folder was permanently deleted.
FolderMetadataChange - Folder metadata has changed.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 50. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryFilter | Invalid query filter. |
404 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
Folders ¶
Folders allow you to organize your files in ways that make sense to you. Think of a folder in Ci just like a folder on your operating system. You can have a flat set of folders or create nested folder structures (folders inside of folders) - it’s really up to you.
Folder ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "Folder Name",
"workspaceId": "nnyhxwjqaug2yhaq",
"parentFolderId": "rslrfzbh5pj8l3as"
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string (required) | The desired name of the folder. If the desired folder name is already taken in the provided parent folder, a unique name will be generated using the desired folder name as a base. |
workspaceId | string | The workspace that will contain the folder. If no value is provided, the folder will be placed in the calling user’s personal workspace. |
parentFolderId | string | The workspace’s parent folder that will contain the folder. If no value is provided, the folder will be placed in the workspaces’ root folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"folderId": "034s405gln33zxc6",
"parentId": "rslrfzbh5pj8l3as",
"workspaceId": "nnyhxwjqaug2yhaq",
"name": "Folder Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
folderId | string | The unique identifier of the created folder. |
parentId | string | The workspace’s parent folder that contains the created folder. |
workspaceId | string | The workspace that contains the created folder. |
name | string | The assigned name of the created folder. The assigned name may be different than the provided folder name if the desired folder name was already taken in the provided parent folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Create a FolderPOST/folders/
Creates a new folder record.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
400 | WorkspaceNotFound | Workspace not found. |
400 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
409 | FolderTrashed | Folder is trashed. |
409 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
400 | FolderNotMemberOfWorkspace | Folder is not a member of the provided workspace. |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "My Folder",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "intendedFor",
"value": "landscapeImages"
"stats": {
"childFolderCount": 2
"parentId": "nqyptt047b7qc9y3",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"parentFolder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"isTrashed": false
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
name | string | The name of the folder. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. | | string | The unique identifier of the folder. | | string | The name of folder. |
isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Get Folder DetailsGET/folders/{folderId}
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Retrieves information about the given folder.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "New Name"
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string | The new name of the folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "My Folder",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "intendedFor",
"value": "landscapeImages"
"stats": {
"childFolderCount": 2
"parentId": "nqyptt047b7qc9y3",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"parentFolder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"isTrashed": false
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
name | string | The name of the folder. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. | | string | The unique identifier of the folder. | | string | The name of folder. |
isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Update a FolderPUT/folders/{folderId}
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Updates specified properties of a folder. The current version of Ci API only supports renaming a folder.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
404 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Folder was deleted"
Property name | Type | Description |
message | string | Indicates the folder was deleted. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Delete a FolderDELETE/folders/{folderId}
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Deletes the specified folder and all of its contents permanently. The storage quota is updated to reflect the newly freed space.
Deleting a folder will delete all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
All folders and assets are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
404 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
409 | InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
List Folder Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "bcdc34b53e2c4c18ac41ca288e28d11f",
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"type": "Video",
"format": "mov",
"folder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"status": "Complete",
"description": "Final cut",
"thumbnails": [
"type": "large",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
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"id": "elementId1",
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"videoBitRate": 1650000,
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"isExternal": false
"md5Checksum": "tk2ma0zrhrp5irco",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"modifiedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"acquisitionSource": {
"name": "Workspace"
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"archiveType": "Standard",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"restoreExpirationDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoreRequestDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"lastRestoreDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"restoredBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"archiveDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"archivedBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"uploadCompleteDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isTrashed": false,
"uploadTransferType": "SinglepartHttp",
"runtime": 1024,
"totalFolderCount": 1,
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "resolution",
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"technicalMetadata": {
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"cameraMake": "Nikon",
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"locationCity": "New York",
"locationState": "NY",
"locationCountry": "USA",
"exif": {
"imageWidth": "3888",
"imageHeight": "2592",
"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
"serialNumber": "0380227035",
"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
"creatorCountry": "United Kingdom"
"avContainer": {
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"duration": 100,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"derivedTimeCode": "00:00:00:00",
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"width": 1280,
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"duration": 100,
"frameRateNumerator": 360,
"frameRateDenominator": 12,
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"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"videoColorSpace": "bt709",
"videoScanOrder": "TFF",
"videoScanType": "Interlaced",
"videoColorPrimaries": "DCI P3",
"videoChromaSubsampling": "4:2:2",
"videoScanTypeStoreMethod": "Interleaved fields",
"audioSampleRate": 32000,
"audioChannelCount": 2,
"audioLayout": "Stereo",
"audioAnalysis": "Stereo",
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"dolbyContainer": {
"duration": 9.6,
"fileSize": 80294994,
"overallBitRateMode": "CBR",
"overallBitRate": 66912495,
"totalChannels": 58,
"bedChannels": 10,
"numberOfBeds": 1,
"bitDepth": 24,
"samplingRate": 48000,
"downmix51X": "Direct Render",
"trimModesSummary": "automatic + manual_0",
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"binauralRenderModesSummary": "Off + Near + Mid + Far",
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"truePeakLevels": -3.14,
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"hlsPlaylistUrl": "",
"acquisitionContext": {
"name": "",
"path": "original/source/path"
"isExternal": false,
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"kind": "Asset"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of the asset, including its extension. Its maximum length is 512 characters. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].folder | object | Information about the asset’s parent folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. See this section for more information. |
items[].description | string | A comment or note associated to the asset. Its maximum length is 1000 characters. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].md5Checksum | string | The calculated md5 checksum for the asset. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the asset |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].modifiedOn | string | The datetime the asset record was last modified. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the asset record. |
items[].acquisitionSource | object | Information about the asset’s source client application. |
items[] | string | The name of the client application that uploaded the asset. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].archiveType | string | If available, the kind of archive used for storing the asset. Valid values are |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].restoreExpirationDate | string | If available, the datetime the restored copy of the asset’s source file will no longer be available. |
items[].restoreRequestDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was requested to be restored. |
items[].lastRestoreDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last restored. |
items[].restoredBy | object | If available, information about the user who restored the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].archiveDate | string | If available, the datetime the asset’s source file was last archived. |
items[].archivedBy | object | If available, information about the user who archived the asset. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].uploadCompleteDate | string | The datetime the asset upload was completed. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if an asset is in the trash bin. |
items[].uploadTransferType | string | Indicates how the asset was uploaded. Valid values are ‘SinglepartHttp’, ‘MultipartHttp’, ‘Aspera’, ‘Copy’, ‘FTP’, ‘WorkspaceSend’. |
items[].runtime | number | The duration of the media asset, in seconds. |
items[].totalFolderCount | number | The amount of folders where the asset exists. |
items[].network | object | Information about the asset’s network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated and basic technical metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].readOnly | boolean | Flag to set a read-only metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].acquisitionContext | object | The file acquisition information. |
items[] | string | The original source file name, captured on acquisition. |
items[].acquisitionContext.path | string | The original source file path, captured on acquisition. |
items[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the file is stored in an external source. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the asset’s workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Asset’ for assets. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "My Folder",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"lastActivityOn": "2017-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"metadata": [
"name": "intendedFor",
"value": "landscapeImages"
"stats": {
"childFolderCount": 2
"parentId": "nqyptt047b7qc9y3",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"parentFolder": {
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name"
"isTrashed": false,
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of folder. |
items[].name | string | The name of the folder. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the folder was created. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the folder. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].lastActivityOn | string | The datetime of the last activity of the folder. |
items[].network | object | Information about the folder’s parent network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].metadata | array | An array of key-value pairs of user-generated metadata. |
items[].metadata[].name | string | The name of the metadata item. |
items[].metadata[].value | string | the value of the metadata item. |
items[].stats | object | Statistics about the folder. |
items[].stats.childFolderCount | number | The number of child folders for the given folder. |
items[].parentId | string | The unique identifier of the parent folder, if it is a child folder, or the workspace id, if it is the Workspace’s root folder. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about the folder’s parent workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].parentFolder | object | Information about the folder’s parent folder. If the folder is the root folder of a Workspace this property will not be available. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[] | string | The name of folder. |
items[].isTrashed | boolean | Indicates if a folder is in the trash bin. |
items[].kind | string | The type of item returned. Will always be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "WorkspaceNotFound",
"message": "Workspace not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
List Folder ContentsGET/folders/{folderId}/contents{?kind,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields}
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
- kind
(optional) Default: allDetermines which kind of items will be returned.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 100.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: nameThe field to sort the items by. Note: ‘size’ only sorts by asset size and not folder size.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
Retrieves the subfolders and assets of the given folder. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘kind’ parameter, it is possible to choose which kind of items to return (subfolders, assets or both). If both are returned, the items are grouped by kind (subfolders first, then assets).
It is suggested to use the fields
parameter to specify that only required fields are returned.
Doing this can give significant performance gains. Only first level field names are accepted for
inclusion (therefore you cannot choose specific sub-fields to include, you must choose to include the entire parent field).
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, ‘Status’, ‘Type’, ‘Size’ or ‘CreatedBy’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryKindFilter | Invalid kind filter. It must be either ‘All’, ‘Asset’ or ‘Folder’. |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
Get Folder Storage Stats ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"fileTotalCount": 12,
"fileTotalSize": 125,
"activeFileCount": 4,
"activeFileSize": 30,
"archiveInProgressFileCount": 1,
"archiveInProgressFileSize": 10,
"archivedFileCount": 4,
"archivedFileSize": 30,
"deepArchivedFileCount": 4,
"deepArchivedFileSize": 30,
"restoreInProgressFileCount": 1,
"restoreInProgressFileSize": 10,
"restoredFileCount": 2,
"restoredFileSize": 15,
"folderCount": 0
Property name | Type | Description |
fileTotalCount | number | The amount of all files within the folder. |
fileTotalSize | number | The sum of the sizes of all files within the folder in bytes. |
activeFileCount | number | The amount of active files within the folder. |
activeFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of active files within the folder in bytes. |
archiveInProgressFileCount | number | The amount of archive in progress files within the folder. |
archiveInProgressFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of archive in progress files within the folder in bytes. |
archivedFileCount | number | The amount of archived files within the folder. |
archivedFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of archived files within the folder in bytes. |
deepArchivedFileCount | number | The amount of deep archived files within the folder. |
deepArchivedFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of deep archived files within the folder in bytes. |
restoreInProgressFileCount | number | The amount of restore in progress files within the folder. |
restoreInProgressFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of restore in progress files within the folder in bytes. |
restoredFileCount | number | The amount of restored files within the folder. |
restoredFileSize | number | The sum of the sizes of restored files within the folder in bytes. |
folderCount | number | The amount of child folders within the folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Get Folder Storage StatsGET/folders/{folderId}/stats
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Retrieves information about the contents of the given folder.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
Move Folders ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"folderIds": [
"targetFolderId": "q3ln0tpox340bbmh"
Property name | Type | Description |
folderIds | array | The unique identifiers for all folders. |
targetFolderId | string | The unique identifier for the target folder. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 1,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
"complete": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
complete | array | An array containing information about each completed item. |
complete[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
complete[].name | string | The name of folder. |
complete[].kind | string | The kind of item returned. Will be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 0,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
Move FoldersPOST/folders/move
Moves one or more folders into a target folder within the same Workspace.
Status Code | Error Code | Message | Notes |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. | |
400 | FolderIdNotProvided | Folder Id was not provided. | Either the folders to be moved or the target folder was not provided. |
400 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. | Target folder was not found. |
400 | ExceededMaxFolderCount | Max folder count exceeded. The maximum number of folders is 500. | |
409 | FolderTrashed | Folder is trashed. | Target folder is trashed. |
409 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. | Target folder is deleted. |
409 | BulkOperationFailed | The bulk operation failed. See the errors array for more information. | This message appears if there were no successfully moved folders. |
Errors represented in errors array
Error Code | Message |
CannotChangeWorkspace | Invalid workspace. Folders cannot be moved to a different workspace. |
FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
FolderTrashed | Folder is trashed. |
InvalidFolder | Invalid folder. Folders cannot be moved into their sub-folders. |
InvalidFolder | Invalid folder. A folder cannot be moved to itself. |
InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Trash a Folder ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Folder was trashed"
Property name | Type | Description |
message | string | Indicates the folder was trashed. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Trash a FolderPOST/folders/{folderId}/trash
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Sends the folder and all of its contents to the trash bin. Items in the trash bin are not considered available for additional operations, i.e. downloading. However, they are still physically available and can be removed from the trash.
Trashing a folder will trash all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
The sum of the size of all assets in the folder are still counted against your storage quota while they exist in the trash bin.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
404 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
409 | FolderTrashed | Folder is trashed. |
409 | InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Trash Multiple Folders ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"folderIds": [
Property name | Type | Description |
folderIds | array | The unique identifiers for all folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 1,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
"complete": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
complete | array | An array containing information about each completed item. |
complete[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
complete[].name | string | The name of folder. |
complete[].kind | string | The kind of item returned. Will be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 0,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
Trash Multiple FoldersPOST/folders/trash
Sends the folders and all of their contents to the trash bin. Items in the trash bin are not considered available for additional operations, i.e. downloading. However, they are still physically available and can be removed from the trash.
500 is the maximum number of folders that can be trashed in a single operation.
Trashing a folder will trash all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
The sum of the size of all assets in the folder are still counted against your storage quota while they exist in the trash bin.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message | Notes |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. | |
400 | FolderIdNotProvided | Folder Id not provided. | |
400 | ExceededMaxFolderCount | Max folder count exceeded. The maximum number of folders is 500. | |
409 | BulkOperationFailed | The bulk operation failed. See the errors array for more information. | This message appears if there were no successfully trashed folders. |
Errors represented in errors array
Error Code | Message |
FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
FolderTrashed | Folder is trashed. |
InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Untrash a Folder ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"message": "Folder was untrashed"
Property name | Type | Description |
message | string | Indicates the folder was untrashed. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "FolderNotFound",
"message": "Folder not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Untrash a FolderPOST/folders/{folderId}/untrash
- folderId
(required)The unique identifier of the folder.
Removes a previously-trashed folder and all its contents from the trash bin.
Untrashing a folder will untrash all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
Additionally, this operation will untrash the folder’s parent folders, if trashed, but will not untrash any parent folder contents.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
404 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
404 | FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
409 | FolderNotTrashed | Folder is already untrashed. |
409 | InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Untrash Multiple Folders ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"folderIds": [
Property name | Type | Description |
folderIds | array | The unique identifiers for all folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 1,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
"complete": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
complete | array | An array containing information about each completed item. |
complete[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
complete[].name | string | The name of folder. |
complete[].kind | string | The kind of item returned. Will be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 0,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
Untrash Multiple FoldersPOST/folders/untrash
Removes previously-trashed folders and all their contents from the trash bin.
500 is the maximum number of folders that can be untrashed in a single operation.
Untrashing a folder will untrash all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
Additionally, this operation will untrash the folder’s parent folders, if trashed, but will not untrash any parent folder contents.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message | Notes |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. | |
400 | FolderIdNotProvided | Folder Id not provided. | |
400 | ExceededMaxFolderCount | Max folder count exceeded. The maximum number of folders is 500. | |
409 | BulkOperationFailed | The bulk operation failed. See the errors array for more information. | This message appears if there were no successfully untrashed folders. |
Errors represented in errors array
Error Code | Message |
FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
FolderNotTrashed | Folder is already untrashed. |
InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Delete Multiple Folders ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"folderIds": [
Property name | Type | Description |
folderIds | array | The unique identifiers for all folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 1,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
"complete": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
complete | array | An array containing information about each completed item. |
complete[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
complete[].name | string | The name of folder. |
complete[].kind | string | The kind of item returned. Will be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 0,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
Delete Multiple FoldersPOST/folders/delete
Deletes the specified folders and all of their contents permanently. The storage quota is updated to reflect the newly freed space.
500 is the maximum number of folders that can be deleted in a single operation.
Deleting a folder will delete all contents within the folder recursively (including all subfolders and assets within subfolders).
All folders and assets are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
Assets affected during this operation may not be updated immediately. This work is performed asynchronously and therefore it can take a few minutes for all updates to appear.
Status Code | Error Code | Message | Notes |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. | |
400 | FolderIdNotProvided | Folder Id not provided. | |
400 | ExceededMaxFolderCount | Max folder count exceeded. The maximum number of folders is 500. | |
409 | BulkOperationFailed | The bulk operation failed. See the errors array for more information. | This message appears if there were no successfully deleted folders. |
Errors represented in errors array
Error Code | Message |
FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
InvalidOperationOnRootFolder | Root folder cannot be deleted, trashed, untrashed, or moved. |
Change Metadata ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"changes": [
"folderIds": [
"set": [
"name": "Owner",
"value": "Sony"
"unset": [
"name": "Category"
Property name | Type | Description |
changes | array | The groups of changes to process. |
changes[].folderIds | array | The folders affected by the group. |
changes[].set | array | The items or add or update. |
changes[].set[].name | string | |
changes[].set[].value | string | |
changes[].unset | array | The items to remove. |
changes[].unset[].name | string |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 1,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
"complete": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"kind": "Folder"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
complete | array | An array containing information about each completed item. |
complete[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
complete[].name | string | The name of folder. |
complete[].kind | string | The kind of item returned. Will be ‘Folder’ for folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
"completeCount": 0,
"errorCount": 1,
"errors": [
"name": "Item name",
"kind": "Item",
"errorCode": "ItemNotFound",
"errorMessage": "Item not found.",
"id": "ad9289a2019a4e07a08eca9459ef1091"
Property name | Type | Description |
completeCount | number | The number of successful items. |
errorCount | number | The number of failed items. |
errors | array | An array containing information about each failed item. |
errors[].name | string | The name of the failed item. |
errors[].kind | string | The kind of the failed item. |
errors[].errorCode | string | The machine readable error code for the specific failure. |
errors[].errorMessage | string | A description of the error for the specific failure. |
errors[].id | string | The unique identifier for the item. |
Change MetadataPOST/folders/metadata/changes
Adds, updates and removes metadata for multiple folders. This resource allows to perform multiple metadata changes to multiple folders in a single request.
Each group of changes define which metadata items are added or updated (if any), which metadata items are removed (if any), and which folders are affected by these changes.
A folder can only be affected by a single group of changes. That is, different groups cannot include the same folder id. Also, a group of changes cannot add (or update) and remove a specific metadata item.
The metadata item’s name is case insensitive.
500 is the maximum number of folders that can be updated in a single operation.
500 is the maximum number of changes that can included in a single operation.
Status Code | Error Code | Message | Notes |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. | |
400 | OverlappingChanges | At least a folder is part of different changesets. | |
400 | ExceededMaxFolderCount | Max folder count exceeded. The maximum number of folders is 500. | |
400 | ExceededMaxChangeCount | Max change count exceeded. | |
409 | BulkOperationFailed | The bulk operation failed. See the errors array for more information. | This message appears if no changes were successfully processed. |
Errors represented in errors array
Error Code | Message |
FolderIdNotProvided | Folder Id not provided. |
FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
FolderDeleted | Folder is deleted. |
EmptyChanges | A changeset doesn’t have any change defined. |
ConflictingChanges | A changeset has conflicting changes. |
InvalidChanges | A changeset has invalid, incomplete changes. |
MediaBoxes ¶
MediaBoxes allow users to send one or more files to other users who may not have access to the Workspace where the files are stored.
Create MediaBox ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "MediaBox Name",
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"type": "Secure",
"allowSourceDownload": false,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true,
"recipients": [
"message": "example message",
"password": "pr!v@te",
"expirationDays": 30,
"expirationDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"sendNotifications": true,
"notifyOnOpen": true,
"notifyOnChange": true,
"commentSettings": {
"isAllowedCommenting": false,
"showExternalComments": false
"watermarking": {
"text": "Watermark Text",
"opacity": 0.5,
"verticalPosition": 0.8,
"forensic": false,
"elements": [
"textType": "Custom",
"text": "Watermark Text",
"corner": "TL",
"horizontal": 19.4,
"vertical": 8.9,
"opacity": 0.7,
"fontColor": "FFFFFF",
"fontSize": 14,
"backgroundColor": "000000"
"filters": {
"elements": {
"types": [
"ciGeneratedPreviews": [
"customRenders": [
"metadata": {
"filter": "All",
"changes": [
"set": [
"Event Name"
"unset": [
"appliesTo": [
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string (required) | The title of the MediaBox. |
assetIds | array | The asset ids that will be included in the MediaBox. All assets (and folders) must be part of the same Workspace. If |
folderIds | array | The folder ids that will be included in the MediaBox. All folders (and assets) must be part of the same Workspace. If |
type | string (required) | Specifies the type of MediaBox. The value must be ‘Secure’, ‘Protected’, or ‘Public’. |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
recipients | array | The list of email addresses who shall receive the MediaBox. If ‘type’ is set to ‘Secure’, this list also restricts who can access the MediaBox. If ‘sendNotifications’ is true these users will receive an email when the MediaBox is created. |
message | string | Brief note for recipients. |
password | string | If ‘type’ is set to ‘Protected’, a password is required to open the MediaBox. |
expirationDays | number | Number of days the MediaBox will be accessible after it is created. Provide this field or expirationDate field but not both. Omit this field and expirationDate field and the MediaBox will never expire. |
expirationDate | string | Date and time when the MediaBox will expire. Value must be in ISO 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01’). Provide this field or expirationDays field but not both. Omit this field and expirationDays field + and the MediaBox will never expire. |
sendNotifications | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the recipients. The default is ‘false’. |
notifyOnOpen | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the MediaBox owner when a recipient opens the MediaBox. The default is ‘false’. |
notifyOnChange | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the calling user if a Team Member edits, closes, or re-opens the MediaBox. The default is ‘false’. |
commentSettings | object | Settings for commenting on the MediaBox. |
commentSettings.isAllowedCommenting | boolean (required) | Indicates whether users can write comments in MediaBox assets. |
commentSettings.showExternalComments | boolean (required) | Indicates whether comments from the Workspace can be viewed. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking options for content in the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string (required) | The watermark text that will be applied to the MediaBox assets. This can be empty if watermark elements are used instead. |
watermarking.opacity | number (required) | The opacity level of the watermark text. |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | The vertical position of the watermark, defined as a percentage value between 0 and 1. |
watermarking.forensic | boolean | If true, enables forensic watermarking. |
watermarking.elements | array | List of watermark elements to apply. Each element represents a line of text. |
watermarking.elements[].textType | string (required) | The type of the watermark text. The possible values are |
watermarking.elements[].text | string | The text to display in the watermark element. This is only required if the text type is |
watermarking.elements[].corner | string | The corner of the content where the watermark is applied. The possible values are |
watermarking.elements[].horizontal | number | Horizontal offset for the watermark, defined in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].vertical | number | Vertical offset for the watermark, defined in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].opacity | number | The opacity level for the watermark element. |
watermarking.elements[].fontColor | string | The font color for the watermark text in hexadecimal format. |
watermarking.elements[].fontSize | number | The font size for the watermark text in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].backgroundColor | string | The background color behind the watermark text in hexadecimal format. |
filters | object | Filter configuration for the elements that are returned for MediaBox assets. |
filters.elements | object | Filters the elements that can be downloaded from the MediaBox assets. If not provided, no elements can be downloaded or previewed. |
filters.elements.types | array | The types of elements that can be downloaded. The possible values are |
filters.elements.ciGeneratedPreviews | array | The types of Ci-generated previews that can be downloaded. The possible values are |
filters.elements.customRenders | array | The types of custom renders that can be downloaded. For example, |
metadata | object | Optional filters for the metadata fields that are returned for assets and elements in the MediaBox. By default, all metadata fields are returned. |
metadata.filter | string | The type of filter that will be applied to the metadata returned by the MediaBox assets and/or elements. Can be |
metadata.changes | array | List of metadata changes to apply to the MediaBox. This is only applicable when the filter is set to |
Content-Type: application/json
"mediaboxId": "2vvcf7zv4hsrpeiq",
"link": ""
Property name | Type | Description |
mediaboxId | string | The unique identifier of the created MediaBox. |
link | string | URL of the created MediaBox. |
Content-Type: application/json
"code": "AssetNotFound",
"message": "Asset not found."
Property name | Type | Description |
code | string | Machine readable error code |
message | string | Error message |
Create MediaBoxPOST/mediaboxes
Creates a new MediaBox for sharing assets.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
400 | AssetIdNotProvided | Asset Id not provided. |
400 | ContentNotProvided | Content not provided. |
400 | InvalidMediaBoxType | Invalid MediaBox type. |
400 | InvalidExpiration | Invalid expiration. |
400 | InvalidPassword | A password is required. |
400 | InvalidRecipients | Recipients are required. |
400 | InvalidContent | Content belongs to multiple workspaces or catalogs. |
400 | AssetNotFound | Asset not found. |
400 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Opacity must be greater than 0 and less or equal to 1. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Text must not be empty. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Position must be greater or equal to 0 and less or equal to 1. |
400 | EntitlementRequired | Visual Watermarking is not enabled for this network. |
400 | EntitlementRequired | MediaBox tracking is not enabled for this network. |
400 | InvalidFolder | MediaBox cannot contain Catalog folders. |
400 | InvalidMediaboxFilterOptions | Invalid filter options. |
400 | MediaBoxCommentSettingsNotAllowed | Comment settings not allowed. Make sure the provided value is in compliance with the MediaBox restrictions. |
400 | MediaBoxNeverExpiresNotAllowed | Never Expires not allowed. Make sure the provided value is in compliance with the MediaBox restrictions. |
400 | ForensicWatermarkMediaboxUpdate | Forensic Watermarking mediabox cannot be updated. |
400 | NonForensicWatermarkMediaboxUpdate | Mediabox cannot be converted to be forensically watermarked. |
Update MediaBox ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
"name": "MediaBox Name",
"assetIds": [
"folderIds": [
"type": "Secure",
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true,
"recipients": [
"message": "example message",
"password": "pr!v@te",
"expirationDays": 30,
"expirationDate": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"expirationEnabled": false,
"sendNotifications": true,
"notifyOnOpen": true,
"notifyOnChange": true,
"watermarking": {
"text": "Watermark Text",
"opacity": 0.5,
"verticalPosition": 0.8,
"forensic": false,
"elements": [
"textType": "Custom",
"text": "Watermark Text",
"corner": "TL",
"horizontal": 19.4,
"vertical": 8.9,
"opacity": 0.7,
"fontColor": "FFFFFF",
"fontSize": 14,
"backgroundColor": "000000"
"watermarkingEnabled": false,
"isDeleted": false,
"commentSettings": {
"isAllowedCommenting": false,
"showExternalComments": false
"filters": {
"elements": {
"types": [
"ciGeneratedPreviews": [
"customRenders": [
"metadata": {
"filter": "All",
"changes": [
"set": [
"Event Name"
"unset": [
"appliesTo": [
Property name | Type | Description |
name | string | The title of the MediaBox. |
assetIds | array | The asset IDs to include in the MediaBox. All assets (and folders) must be part of the same Workspace. If |
folderIds | array | The folder IDs to include in the MediaBox. All folders (and assets) must be part of the same Workspace. If |
type | string | Specifies the type of MediaBox. The value must be ‘Secure’, ‘Protected’, or ‘Public’. |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. The default is ‘false’. |
recipients | array | The list of email addresses who shall receive the MediaBox. If ‘type’ is set to ‘Secure’, this list also restricts who can access the MediaBox. |
message | string | Brief note for recipients. |
password | string | If ‘type’ is set to ‘Protected’, a password is required to open the MediaBox. |
expirationDays | number | Number of days the MediaBox will be accessible after it is created. Provide this field or |
expirationDate | string | Date and time when the MediaBox will expire. Value must be in ISO 8601 date and time format (e.g.: ‘2020-01-01’). Provide this field or |
expirationEnabled | boolean | If set to false, the MediaBox will not expire. |
sendNotifications | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the recipients. |
notifyOnOpen | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the MediaBox owner when a recipient opens the MediaBox. |
notifyOnChange | boolean | Indicates if an email notification shall be sent to the calling user if a Team Member edits, closes, or re-opens the MediaBox. |
watermarkingEnabled | boolean | If set to false, removes watermarking from the MediaBox. |
isDeleted | boolean | Toggles the delete flag (open/closed). |
commentSettings | object | Settings for commenting on the MediaBox. |
commentSettings.isAllowedCommenting | boolean (required) | Indicates whether users can write comments in MediaBox assets. |
commentSettings.showExternalComments | boolean (required) | Indicates whether comments from the Workspace can be viewed. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking options for content in the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string (required) | The watermark text that will be applied to the MediaBox assets. This can be empty if watermark elements are used instead. |
watermarking.opacity | number (required) | The opacity level of the watermark text. |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | The vertical position of the watermark, defined as a percentage value between 0 and 1. |
watermarking.forensic | boolean | If true, enables forensic watermarking. |
watermarking.elements | array | List of watermark elements to apply. Each element represents a line of text. |
watermarking.elements[].textType | string (required) | The type of the watermark text. The possible values are |
watermarking.elements[].text | string | The text to display in the watermark element. This is only required if the text type is |
watermarking.elements[].corner | string | The corner of the content where the watermark is applied. The possible values are |
watermarking.elements[].horizontal | number | Horizontal offset for the watermark, defined in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].vertical | number | Vertical offset for the watermark, defined in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].opacity | number | The opacity level for the watermark element. |
watermarking.elements[].fontColor | string | The font color for the watermark text in hexadecimal format. |
watermarking.elements[].fontSize | number | The font size for the watermark text in pixels. |
watermarking.elements[].backgroundColor | string | The background color behind the watermark text in hexadecimal format. |
filters | object | Filter configuration for the elements that are returned for MediaBox assets. |
filters.elements | object | Filters the elements that can be downloaded from the MediaBox assets. If not provided, no elements can be downloaded or previewed. |
filters.elements.types | array | The types of elements that can be downloaded. The possible values are |
filters.elements.ciGeneratedPreviews | array | The types of Ci-generated previews that can be downloaded. The possible values are |
filters.elements.customRenders | array | The types of custom renders that can be downloaded. For example, |
metadata | object | Optional filters for the metadata fields that are returned for assets and elements in the MediaBox. By default, all metadata fields are returned. |
metadata.filter | string | The type of filter that will be applied to the metadata returned by the MediaBox assets and/or elements. Can be |
metadata.changes | array | List of metadata changes to apply to the MediaBox. This is only applicable when the filter is set to |
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "21db607ed65a4198889f50336ba78755",
"name": "New Releases",
"message": "For your eyes only",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"expiresOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"deletedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"isDeleted": true,
"link": "",
"type": "Secure",
"filters": {
"elements": {
"types": [
"assets": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"type": "Video",
"status": "Complete",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isViewable": true
"folders": [
"id": "9b639e12a82f4b0483f512b474dc052ci",
"name": "Folder Name",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z"
"users": [
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"viewCount": 510,
"watermarking": {
"text": "{filename} viewing on {datestamp} by {username} (IP:{ip-address})",
"opacity": 0.8,
"verticalPosition": 0.46
"allowSourceDownload": false,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": true,
"assetCount": 24,
"folderCount": 3
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
name | string | The name of the MediaBox. |
message | string | Brief description or comment for the MediaBox participants. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the MediaBox was created. |
expiresOn | string | The datetime when the MediaBox will expire. |
deletedOn | string | If deleted, the datetime when the MediaBox was deleted. |
network | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent Network. | | string | The unique identifier of the Network. | | string | The name of the Network. |
network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
workspace | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent Workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
isDeleted | boolean | Indicates if the MediaBox is deleted. |
link | string | The URL of the MediaBox. |
type | string | Indicates if the MediaBox is ‘Secure’, ‘Protected’ or ‘Public’. |
filters | object | Optional content’s filter for view and download. |
filters.elements | object | Filters applied to elements. |
filters.elements.types | array | Element types that will be available for view and download. Valid values: |
assets | array | |
assets[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
assets[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
assets[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
assets[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. |
assets[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
assets[].isViewable | boolean | Indicates if the asset is viewable by the user. |
folders | array | |
folders[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
folders[].name | string | The name of folder. |
folders[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
users | array | The list of participants for the MediaBox. |
users[].id | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
users[].name | string | The full name of the user. |
users[].email | string | The email of the user. |
viewCount | number | Number of views. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking settings for the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string | Text overlay. |
watermarking.opacity | number | Text opacity. Acceptable values go from 0 (transparent) to 1 (solid). |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | Text position. Acceptable values go from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
assetCount | number | Number of assets in the MediaBox, including assets under all folders. |
folderCount | number | Number of folders in the MediaBox, including sub-folders. |
Update MediaBoxPUT/mediaboxes/{mediaboxId}
- mediaboxId
(required)The ID of the MediaBox to update.
Updates the settings of a MediaBox.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidRequest | Invalid request. Check the request body format and verify the right Content-Type header value is being sent. |
400 | MissingOrInvalidName | Missing or invalid name. |
400 | AssetIdNotProvided | Asset Id not provided. |
400 | ContentNotProvided | Content not provided. |
400 | InvalidMediaBoxType | Invalid MediaBox type. |
400 | InvalidExpiration | Invalid expiration. |
400 | InvalidPassword | A password is required. |
400 | InvalidRecipients | Recipients are required. |
400 | InvalidContent | Content belongs to multiple workspaces or catalogs. |
400 | AssetNotFound | Asset not found. |
400 | FolderNotFound | Folder not found. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Opacity must be greater than 0 and less or equal to 1. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Text must not be empty. |
400 | InvalidWatermarking | Position must be greater or equal to 0 and less or equal to 1. |
400 | EntitlementRequired | Visual Watermarking is not enabled for this network. |
400 | EntitlementRequired | MediaBox tracking is not enabled for this network. |
400 | InvalidFolder | MediaBox cannot contain Catalog folders. |
400 | InvalidMediaboxFilterOptions | Invalid filter options. |
400 | MediaBoxCommentSettingsNotAllowed | Comment settings not allowed. Make sure the provided value is in compliance with the MediaBox restrictions. |
400 | MediaBoxNeverExpiresNotAllowed | Never Expires not allowed. Make sure the provided value is in compliance with the MediaBox restrictions. |
400 | ForensicWatermarkMediaboxUpdate | Forensic Watermarking mediabox can not be updated. |
400 | NonForensicWatermarkMediaboxUpdate | Mediabox can not be converted to be forensically watermarked. |
404 | MediaBoxNotFound | MediaBox not found. |
List Received MediaBoxes ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"items": [
"id": "21db607ed65a4198889f50336ba78755",
"name": "New Releases",
"message": "For your eyes only",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"expiresOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"deletedOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"network": {
"id": "40c2a6b99a474b319dec5ef9c7dbb356",
"name": "Company Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"isDeleted": true,
"link": "",
"type": "Secure",
"filters": {
"elements": {
"types": [
"opened": true
"filter": {
"status": "Active",
"type": "Secure",
"query": "Releases"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
items | array | The MediaBoxes returned. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
items[].name | string | The name of the MediaBox. |
items[].message | string | Brief description or comment for the MediaBox participants. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the MediaBox was created. |
items[].expiresOn | string | The datetime when the MediaBox will expire. |
items[].deletedOn | string | If deleted, the datetime when the MediaBox was deleted. |
items[].network | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent Network. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Network. |
items[] | string | The name of the Network. |
items[].network.class | string | Indicates if the Network is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Enterprise’ Network. |
items[].workspace | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent Workspace. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. |
items[] | string | The name of the Workspace. |
items[].workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
items[].createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the MediaBox. |
items[] | string | The unique identifier of the user. |
items[] | string | The full name of the user. |
items[] | string | The email of the user. |
items[].isDeleted | boolean | Indicates if the MediaBox is deleted. |
items[].link | string | The URL of the MediaBox. |
items[].type | string | Indicates if the MediaBox is ‘Secure’, ‘Protected’ or ‘Public’. |
items[].filters | object | Optional content’s filter for view and download. |
items[].filters.elements | object | Filters applied to elements. |
items[].filters.elements.types | array | Element types that will be available for view and download. Valid values: |
items[].opened | boolean | Indicates if the current user has opened the MediaBox. |
filter | object | Information about the filter used. |
filter.status | string | The status of the MediaBox (Active or Inactive). |
filter.type | string | The type of the MediaBox (Secure, Protected or Public). |
filter.query | string | The search term used to query. |
List Received MediaBoxesGET/mediaboxes/received{?status,type,query,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection,fields}
- status
(optional) Default: activeIndicates if the MediaBoxes to return shall be not deleted or expired.
- type
(optional)Indicates what type of MediaBoxes shall be returned.
- query
(optional)The term to search for.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of MediaBoxes to return. The maximum is 50.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: createdOnThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: descThe order direction the items should be returned.
- fields
(optional)A comma separated list of fields to return in the response. If this value is empty all fields will be returned. Id and Name are always returned.
Lists the all of the MediaBoxes the calling user has been invited to.
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 50. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘CreatedOn’, ‘Name’, ‘CreatedBy’ or ‘ExpiresOn’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidMediaBoxType | Invalid MediaBox type. |
Open MediaBox ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "21db607ed65a4198889f50336ba78755",
"name": "New Releases",
"message": "For your eyes only",
"currentUser": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"expiresOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"link": "",
"watermarking": {
"text": "{filename} viewing on {datestamp} by {username} (IP:{ip-address})",
"opacity": 0.8,
"verticalPosition": 0.46
"branding": {
"logoUrl": "",
"bannerUrl": "",
"loginBannerUrl": "",
"backgroundUrl": "",
"accentColor": "#FF00FF",
"fallbackText": "Contoso"
"allowAspera": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": false,
"createdOn": "2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"assetCount": 24,
"folderCount": 3
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
name | string | The name of the MediaBox. |
message | string | Brief description or comment for the MediaBox participants. |
currentUser | object | The user who opened the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
expiresOn | string | The datetime when the MediaBox will expire. |
workspace | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
link | string | The URL of the MediaBox. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking settings for the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string | Text overlay. |
watermarking.opacity | number | Text opacity. Acceptable values go from 0 (transparent) to 1 (solid). |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | Text position. Acceptable values go from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). |
branding | object | Branding settings and resources. |
branding.logoUrl | string | The image to use as logo. |
branding.bannerUrl | string | The image to use as banner. |
branding.loginBannerUrl | string | The image to use as login banner. |
branding.backgroundUrl | string | The image to use as background. |
branding.accentColor | string | The accent color to use in UI elements. |
branding.fallbackText | string | The text to show in case the logo cannot be displayed. |
allowAspera | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is allowed for downloads. |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the MediaBox was created. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
assetCount | number | Number of assets in the MediaBox, including assets under all folders. |
folderCount | number | Number of folders in the MediaBox, including sub-folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic [encoded username:password]
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "21db607ed65a4198889f50336ba78755",
"name": "New Releases",
"message": "For your eyes only",
"currentUser": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"expiresOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"link": "",
"watermarking": {
"text": "{filename} viewing on {datestamp} by {username} (IP:{ip-address})",
"opacity": 0.8,
"verticalPosition": 0.46
"branding": {
"logoUrl": "",
"bannerUrl": "",
"loginBannerUrl": "",
"backgroundUrl": "",
"accentColor": "#FF00FF",
"fallbackText": "Contoso"
"allowAspera": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": false,
"createdOn": "2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"assetCount": 24,
"folderCount": 3
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
name | string | The name of the MediaBox. |
message | string | Brief description or comment for the MediaBox participants. |
currentUser | object | The user who opened the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
expiresOn | string | The datetime when the MediaBox will expire. |
workspace | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
link | string | The URL of the MediaBox. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking settings for the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string | Text overlay. |
watermarking.opacity | number | Text opacity. Acceptable values go from 0 (transparent) to 1 (solid). |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | Text position. Acceptable values go from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). |
branding | object | Branding settings and resources. |
branding.logoUrl | string | The image to use as logo. |
branding.bannerUrl | string | The image to use as banner. |
branding.loginBannerUrl | string | The image to use as login banner. |
branding.backgroundUrl | string | The image to use as background. |
branding.accentColor | string | The accent color to use in UI elements. |
branding.fallbackText | string | The text to show in case the logo cannot be displayed. |
allowAspera | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is allowed for downloads. |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the MediaBox was created. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
assetCount | number | Number of assets in the MediaBox, including assets under all folders. |
folderCount | number | Number of folders in the MediaBox, including sub-folders. |
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "21db607ed65a4198889f50336ba78755",
"name": "New Releases",
"message": "For your eyes only",
"currentUser": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"expiresOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"workspace": {
"id": "gb5ehomv0iv71swg",
"name": "Workspace Name",
"class": "Enterprise"
"link": "",
"watermarking": {
"text": "{filename} viewing on {datestamp} by {username} (IP:{ip-address})",
"opacity": 0.8,
"verticalPosition": 0.46
"branding": {
"logoUrl": "",
"bannerUrl": "",
"loginBannerUrl": "",
"backgroundUrl": "",
"accentColor": "#FF00FF",
"fallbackText": "Contoso"
"allowAspera": true,
"allowSourceDownload": true,
"allowPreviewDownload": true,
"allowElementDownload": false,
"createdOn": "2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"createdBy": {
"id": "c460dfc1447f4240b14b2f32ce8d4a5f",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": ""
"assetCount": 24,
"folderCount": 3
Property name | Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier of the MediaBox. |
name | string | The name of the MediaBox. |
message | string | Brief description or comment for the MediaBox participants. |
currentUser | object | The user who opened the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
expiresOn | string | The datetime when the MediaBox will expire. |
workspace | object | Information about MediaBox’s parent workspace. | | string | The unique identifier of the Workspace. | | string | The name of the Workspace. |
workspace.class | string | Indicates if the Workspace is a ‘Personal’ or ‘Team’ Workspace. |
link | string | The URL of the MediaBox. |
watermarking | object | Watermarking settings for the MediaBox. |
watermarking.text | string | Text overlay. |
watermarking.opacity | number | Text opacity. Acceptable values go from 0 (transparent) to 1 (solid). |
watermarking.verticalPosition | number | Text position. Acceptable values go from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom). |
branding | object | Branding settings and resources. |
branding.logoUrl | string | The image to use as logo. |
branding.bannerUrl | string | The image to use as banner. |
branding.loginBannerUrl | string | The image to use as login banner. |
branding.backgroundUrl | string | The image to use as background. |
branding.accentColor | string | The accent color to use in UI elements. |
branding.fallbackText | string | The text to show in case the logo cannot be displayed. |
allowAspera | boolean | Indicates if Aspera is allowed for downloads. |
allowSourceDownload | boolean | Specifies if the source assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowPreviewDownload | boolean | Specifies if the preview proxies of the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
allowElementDownload | boolean | Specifies if the elements (custom profiles and uploaded through the Elements API) associated to the assets included in the MediaBox shall be downloadable or not. |
createdOn | string | The datetime the MediaBox was created. |
createdBy | object | Information about the creator of the MediaBox. | | string | The unique identifier of the user. | | string | The full name of the user. | | string | The email of the user. |
assetCount | number | Number of assets in the MediaBox, including assets under all folders. |
folderCount | number | Number of folders in the MediaBox, including sub-folders. |
Open MediaBoxPOST/mediaboxes/{mediaboxId}/open
- mediaboxId
(required)The id of the MediaBox to open.
Opens a MediaBox, revealing its content.
Depending on the security rating of the MediaBox (Secure, Protected, Public), the authorization requirements for opening it changes:
Security Rating | Minimum Authorization Scheme | Remarks |
Secure | Bearer | The standard OAuth2 authentication used in Ci API. The authenticated user must be part of the MediaBox’s participants list. |
Protected | Basic | Basic authentication. A pair of username-password. The username will be ignored. The provided password must match the MediaBox password. |
Public | None | No authentication. Anyone can open it. |
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
403 | MediaBoxAccessDenied | Access denied. |
403 | ProtectedMediaBoxAccessDenied | Access denied. |
404 | MediaBoxNotFound | MediaBox not found. |
404 | MediaBoxNotAvailable | The MediaBox is no longer available. |
MediaBox Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"type": "Video",
"status": "Complete",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isViewable": true,
"size": 107856722,
"format": "mov",
"thumbnails": [
"type": "large",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
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"source": {
"id": "elementId1",
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"isExternal": false
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"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"videoBitRate": 1650000,
"audioBitRate": 128000,
"isExternal": false
"hlsPlaylistUrl": "",
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"technicalMetadata": {
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"locationCity": "New York",
"locationState": "NY",
"locationCountry": "USA",
"exif": {
"imageWidth": "3888",
"imageHeight": "2592",
"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
"serialNumber": "0380227035",
"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
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"avContainer": {
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"truePeakLevels": -3.14,
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"filmstrips": [
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"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isVerifiedAuthentic": true,
"renderType": "medialog-clip"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].isViewable | boolean | Indicates if the asset is viewable by the user. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].filmstrips | array | The set of filmstrips for the asset. Please check the Previews section for more information. |
items[].filmstrips[].type | string | The type of filmstrip returned. |
items[].filmstrips[].location | string | The url of the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].size | number | The size of the filmstrip, in bytes. |
items[].filmstrips[].frames | number | Number of frames contained in the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].frameHeight | number | The height of each frame. |
items[].filmstrips[].frameWidth | number | The width of each frame. |
items[].filmstrips[].width | number | Total width of the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].height | number | Total height of the filmstrip. |
items[].isAvailable | boolean | Indicates if the source file is available. |
items[].elements | array | The set of elements associated with the asset. It’s returned if the MediaBox is configured to allow elements download. |
items[].elements[].id | string | The unique identifier of the element. |
items[].elements[].size | number | The size in bytes of the element. |
items[].elements[].type | string | The type of the element. |
items[].elements[].name | string | The name of the element. |
items[].elements[].format | string | The element’s file format. |
items[].elements[].uid | string | The custom, unique identifier of the media file or stream. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials | array | The list of related materials. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials[].uid | string | The custom, unique identifier of the media file or stream. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials[].relationship | string | Label of the relationship with the main media file. |
items[].elements[].customKeys | array | An array of strings that represents custom keys over the element that the user wants to add. |
items[].elements[].createdOn | string | The datetime the element record was created. |
items[].elements[].isVerifiedAuthentic | boolean | Indicates if the element was created from a Sony device. |
items[].elements[].renderType | string | Type of the proxy the element was generated from, if applicable. |
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Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the folder. |
items[].name | string | The name of folder. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
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"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
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"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
"creatorCountry": "United Kingdom"
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"trimModesSummary": "automatic + manual_0",
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"trimChannel51Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel71Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel212Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel512Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel712Mode": "manual_0",
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"numberOfChannelFormats": 58,
"binauralRenderModesSummary": "Off + Near + Mid + Far",
"binauralRenderModesOffCount": 9,
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Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].isViewable | boolean | Indicates if the asset is viewable by the user. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.metadataFormat | string | Format of the metadata in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.admProfile | string | ADM (Audio Definition Model) Profile used in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfProgrammes | number | Number of programmes in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfObjectChannels | number | Number of objects in the Atmos Master. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfPackFormats | number | Number of Atmos Pack Formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfChannelFormats | number | Number of channel formats in the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesSummary | string | Summary of all the binaural render modes used in the Atmos content. Supported strings are a unique combination of: “Off”, “Near”, “Mid”, “Far”. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesOffCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Off” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesNearCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Near” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesMidCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Mid” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.binauralRenderModesFarCount | number | Number of channels that use the “Far” setting for binaural rendering. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.truePeakLevels | number | The peak event in the audio waveform. Units are dBTP for true peak. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.loudness | number | Integrated loudness LKFS (or LUFS). |
items[].filmstrips | array | The set of filmstrips for the asset. Please check the Previews section for more information. |
items[].filmstrips[].type | string | The type of filmstrip returned. |
items[].filmstrips[].location | string | The url of the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].size | number | The size of the filmstrip, in bytes. |
items[].filmstrips[].frames | number | Number of frames contained in the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].frameHeight | number | The height of each frame. |
items[].filmstrips[].frameWidth | number | The width of each frame. |
items[].filmstrips[].width | number | Total width of the filmstrip. |
items[].filmstrips[].height | number | Total height of the filmstrip. |
items[].isAvailable | boolean | Indicates if the source file is available. |
items[].elements | array | The set of elements associated with the asset. It’s returned if the MediaBox is configured to allow elements download. |
items[].elements[].id | string | The unique identifier of the element. |
items[].elements[].size | number | The size in bytes of the element. |
items[].elements[].type | string | The type of the element. |
items[].elements[].name | string | The name of the element. |
items[].elements[].format | string | The element’s file format. |
items[].elements[].uid | string | The custom, unique identifier of the media file or stream. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials | array | The list of related materials. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials[].uid | string | The custom, unique identifier of the media file or stream. |
items[].elements[].relatedMaterials[].relationship | string | Label of the relationship with the main media file. |
items[].elements[].customKeys | array | An array of strings that represents custom keys over the element that the user wants to add. |
items[].elements[].createdOn | string | The datetime the element record was created. |
items[].elements[].isVerifiedAuthentic | boolean | Indicates if the element was created from a Sony device. |
items[].elements[].renderType | string | Type of the proxy the element was generated from, if applicable. |
List MediaBox ContentsGET/mediaboxes/{mediaboxId}/contents{?kind,limit,offset,orderBy,orderDirection}
- mediaboxId
(required)The id of the MediaBox to browse.
- kind
(optional) Default: allDetermines which kind of items will be returned.
- limit
(optional) Default: 50The number of items to return. The maximum is 100.
- offset
(optional) Default: 0The item at which to begin the response.
- orderBy
(optional) Default: nameThe field to sort the items by.
- orderDirection
(optional) Default: ascThe order direction the items should be returned.
Browses the MediaBox’s contents. This query supports pagination using limit and offset. Additionally, using the ‘kind’ parameter, it is possible to choose which kind of items to return (folders, assets or both). If both are returned, the items are grouped by kind (folders first, then assets).
Depending on the security rating of the MediaBox (Secure, Protected, Public), the authorization requirements for opening it changes:
Security Rating | Minimum Authorization Scheme | Remarks |
Secure | Bearer | The standard OAuth2 authentication used in Ci API. The authenticated user must be part of the MediaBox’s participants list. |
Protected | Basic | Basic authentication. A pair of username-password. The username will be ignored. The provided password must match the MediaBox password. |
Public | None | No authentication. Anyone can open it. |
Status Code | Error Code | Message |
400 | InvalidLimitOrOffset | Invalid limit or offset value. Limit must be a number between 1 and 100. Offset must be greater than or equal to 0. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderField | Invalid order field. It must be either ‘Name’ or ‘UserDefined’. |
400 | InvalidQueryOrderDirection | Invalid order direction. It must be either ‘Asc’ or ‘Desc’. |
400 | InvalidQueryKindFilter | Invalid kind filter. It must be either ‘All’, ‘Asset’ or ‘Folder’. |
403 | MediaBoxAccessDenied | Access denied. |
403 | ProtectedMediaBoxAccessDenied | Access denied. |
404 | MediaBoxNotFound | MediaBox not found. |
404 | MediaBoxNotAvailable | The MediaBox is no longer available. |
MediaBox Folder Contents ¶
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [bearer token]
Content-Type: application/json
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 10,
"order": {
"by": "Name",
"direction": "asc"
"kind": [
"items": [
"id": "d9bf018c804a4e78b775b8dc2f242071",
"name": "",
"type": "Video",
"status": "Complete",
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isViewable": true,
"size": 107856722,
"format": "mov",
"thumbnails": [
"type": "large",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"source": {
"id": "elementId1",
"kind": "element"
"isExternal": false
"proxies": [
"type": "video-3g",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"width": 200,
"height": 300,
"videoBitRate": 1650000,
"audioBitRate": 128000,
"isExternal": false
"hlsPlaylistUrl": "",
"archiveStatus": "Not archived",
"restoreStatus": "Not restored",
"technicalMetadata": {
"type": "Video",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"image": {
"width": 100,
"height": 300,
"xResolution": 100,
"yResolution": 100,
"resolutionUnit": "cm",
"cameraMake": "Nikon",
"cameraModel": "D300",
"locationCity": "New York",
"locationState": "NY",
"locationCountry": "USA",
"exif": {
"imageWidth": "3888",
"imageHeight": "2592",
"artist": "Michael W. Steidl.",
"copyright": "(c) 2011 IPTC - Rights reserved."
"iptc": {
"codedCharacterSet": "UTF8",
"headline": "Bikefestival Vienna",
"credit": "IPTC/Michael W. Steidl",
"keywords": "Vienna Air King,cycling,mountain bike"
"xmp": {
"serialNumber": "0380227035",
"creatorRegion": "Roshire",
"lens": "EF70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM",
"creatorCountry": "United Kingdom"
"avContainer": {
"bitRate": 11934620,
"duration": 100,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"derivedTimeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"streams": [
"index": 0,
"type": "Video",
"bitRate": 11934620,
"bitDepth": 8,
"bitRateMode": "CBR",
"codec": "h264",
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"codecSettings": "Little / Signed",
"fourCC": "avc1",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720,
"totalFrames": 1024,
"duration": 100,
"frameRateNumerator": 360,
"frameRateDenominator": 12,
"videoPARWidth": 1,
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"videoDARWidth": 19,
"videoDARHeight": 24,
"start": 0,
"timeCode": "00:00:00:00",
"videoColorSpace": "bt709",
"videoScanOrder": "TFF",
"videoScanType": "Interlaced",
"videoColorPrimaries": "DCI P3",
"videoChromaSubsampling": "4:2:2",
"videoScanTypeStoreMethod": "Interleaved fields",
"audioSampleRate": 32000,
"audioChannelCount": 2,
"audioLayout": "Stereo",
"audioAnalysis": "Stereo",
"rotate": 0
"dolbyContainer": {
"duration": 9.6,
"fileSize": 80294994,
"overallBitRateMode": "CBR",
"overallBitRate": 66912495,
"totalChannels": 58,
"bedChannels": 10,
"numberOfBeds": 1,
"bitDepth": 24,
"samplingRate": 48000,
"downmix51X": "Direct Render",
"trimModesSummary": "automatic + manual_0",
"trimChannel20Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel51Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel71Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel212Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel512Mode": "automatic",
"trimChannel712Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel214Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel514Mode": "manual_0",
"trimChannel714Mode": "manual_0",
"associatedVideoFrameRate": 23.976,
"start": "01:00:00:00",
"fFoA": "01:00:00:00",
"end": "01:03:30:13",
"metadataFormat": "ADM, Version 0",
"admProfile": "Dolby Atmos Master, Version 1",
"numberOfProgrammes": 1,
"numberOfObjectChannels": 48,
"numberOfPackFormats": 49,
"numberOfChannelFormats": 58,
"binauralRenderModesSummary": "Off + Near + Mid + Far",
"binauralRenderModesOffCount": 9,
"binauralRenderModesNearCount": 8,
"binauralRenderModesMidCount": 13,
"binauralRenderModesFarCount": 1,
"truePeakLevels": -3.14,
"loudness": -16.67
"filmstrips": [
"type": "video-filmstrip-small",
"location": "",
"size": 1024,
"frames": 100,
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"isAvailable": true,
"elements": [
"id": "9buxd3oqybkvqxtv",
"size": 1024,
"type": "mov",
"name": "",
"format": "video-3g",
"uid": "c97291e9-6892-46b5-a306-66577ea1ae82",
"relatedMaterials": [
"uid": "c97291e9-6892-46b5-a306-66577ea1ae82",
"relationship": "mainStream"
"customKeys": [
"createdOn": "2017-01-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"isVerifiedAuthentic": true,
"renderType": "medialog-clip"
Property name | Type | Description |
limit | number | The limit used for the query. |
offset | number | The offset used for the query. |
count | number | The total count of items available. |
order | object | Information about the ordering of the results. | | string | Indicates the field used to sort the results. |
order.direction | string | Indicates the direction used to sort the results. |
kind | array | Indicates the kind filter used in the request. Returned values are ‘All’, ‘Asset’, and ‘Folder’. |
items | array | The items returned. Can be both assets and folders. |
items[].id | string | The unique identifier of the asset. |
items[].name | string | The name of asset and its extension. |
items[].type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are |
items[].status | string | The status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Created’, ‘Complete’, ‘Deleted’, ‘Executable Detected’, ‘Failed’, ‘Limited’, ‘Processing’, ‘Uploading’, ‘Virus Detected’, ‘Waiting’. |
items[].createdOn | string | The datetime the asset record was created. |
items[].isViewable | boolean | Indicates if the asset is viewable by the user. |
items[].size | number | The size of the source file, in bytes. |
items[].format | string | The asset’s file format. |
items[].thumbnails | array | The set of thumbnails for the asset. |
items[].thumbnails[].type | string | The type of thumbnail returned. Valid values are ‘small’, ‘medium’ and ‘large’. |
items[].thumbnails[].location | string | The url of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].size | number | The size of the thumbnail, in bytes. |
items[].thumbnails[].width | number | The width of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].height | number | The height of the thumbnail. |
items[].thumbnails[].source | object | Information about the source of thumbnails. |
items[].thumbnails[] | string | Unique identifier of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].source.kind | string | The kind of entity of the thumbnail’s source. |
items[].thumbnails[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the thumbnail is stored in an external source. |
items[].proxies | array | The set of proxies for the asset. |
items[].proxies[].type | string | The type of proxy returned. Valid values are ‘standard-audio’, ‘dolby-audio’, ‘video-3g’, ‘video-sd’, ‘video-sdplus’, ‘video-hd’, ‘video-2k’, ‘video-2kplus’, ‘document-pdf’. |
items[].proxies[].location | string | The url of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].size | number | The size of the proxy, in bytes. |
items[].proxies[].width | number | The width of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].height | number | The height of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].videoBitRate | number | The video bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].audioBitRate | number | The audio bitrate of the proxy. |
items[].proxies[].isExternal | boolean | Indicates if the proxy is stored in an external source. |
items[].hlsPlaylistUrl | string | A link to the HLS playlist generated from the source file. |
items[].archiveStatus | string | The archive status of the asset. Valid values are ‘Not archived’, ‘Archive in progress’, ‘Archive failed’, ‘Archived’, ‘Cancel archive in progress’. |
items[].restoreStatus | string | The restore status of the asset. This is applicable to assets that have been archived. Valid values are ‘Not restored’, ‘Restore in progress’, ‘Restore failed’, ‘Restored’. |
items[].technicalMetadata | object | An object that contains all the technical metadata available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.type | string | The type of the asset. Valid values are either ‘Audio’, ‘Video’ or ‘Image’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.location | string | Url of the source technical metadata file. Note: the content and structure of the technical metadata file is subject to change at any time. |
items[].technicalMetadata.size | number | The size of the technical metadata file, in bytes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image | object | If the asset’s type is ‘Image’, this property contains the extended image technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.width | number | The width of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.height | number | The height of the image, in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the width direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.yResolution | number | The number of pixels per resolutionUnit in the height direction. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.resolutionUnit | string | The unit of measurement for xResolution and yResolution. Can be ‘inches’, ‘cm’ or ‘none’. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraMake | string | Camera manufacturer name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.cameraModel | string | Camera model name. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCity | string | Name of the city where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationState | string | Name of the state where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.locationCountry | string | Name of the country where the image was created. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif | object | The avalaible EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageWidth | string | The image width in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.imageHeight | string | The image height in pixels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.artist | string | The image artist info. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.exif.copyright | string | The image copyright. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc | object | The available IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) available. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.codedCharacterSet | string | Determines how the internal IPTC string values are interpreted. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.headline | string | Brief synopsis or summary of the contents of the photograph. |
items[] | string | How the image should be credited when published, as specified by the supplier of the image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.iptc.keywords | string | Descriptive words added to the image to enable search and retrieval. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp | object | The available XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.serialNumber | string | Camera Serial Number. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorRegion | string | State / Province for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.lens | string | Attempts to identify the camera lens used. |
items[].technicalMetadata.image.xmp.creatorCountry | string | Country name for the address of the person that created this image. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ or ‘Video’, this property contains the extended audio / video technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.bitRate | number | The overall bitrate in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.duration | number | The runtime of the media in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.start | number | The start time in the container, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.timeCode | string | The SMPTE timecode in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.derivedTimeCode | string | The standardized timecode derived by evaluating stream metadata and converting to drop frame format, if using drop frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams | array | Set of audio, video, or data streams contained in the asset. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].index | number | The index of the stream in the container. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].type | string | The type of the stream. Valid values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRate | number | If available, the overall bitrate in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitDepth | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].bitRateMode | string | If available, the bit rate mode of the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codec | string | If available, the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecName | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format commercial name for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecProfile | string | If available, the MediaInfo generated format profile for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].codecSettings | string | If avalable, the MediaInfo generated format settings for the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].fourCC | string | If available, four-character code for the codec used in the stream. For example, |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].width | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].height | number | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].totalFrames | number | If available, total number of frames within the |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].duration | number | If available, the runtime of the media in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateNumerator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate numerator is 24. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].frameRateDenominator | number | If available, the numerator of the frame rate. For example, if the frame rate is 24, the frame rate denominator is 1. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoPARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the pixel aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARWidth | number | If available, the width part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoDARHeight | number | If available, the height part of the display aspect ratio. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].start | number | If available, the start time in the stream, in seconds. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].timeCode | string | If available, the SMPTE timecode in the stream. |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorSpace | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanOrder | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanType | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoColorPrimaries | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoChromaSubsampling | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].videoScanTypeStoreMethod | string | If available, for a |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioSampleRate | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioChannelCount | number | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioLayout | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].audioAnalysis | string | If available, for an |
items[].technicalMetadata.avContainer.streams[].rotate | number | If available, the amount of rotation, in degrees, that should be applied during playback of the video. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer | object | If asset type is ‘Audio’ and the asset has Dolby Atmos metadata, this property contains the extended Dolby Atmos audio technical metadata. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.duration | number | Media duration (in seconds). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fileSize | number | Media size (in bytes). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRateMode | string | The overall bitrate mode for the Atmos content. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.overallBitRate | number | Media bitrate (in bits per second). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.totalChannels | number | Number of channels. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bedChannels | number | Number of channel-based premix or stem that includes multichannel panning. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.numberOfBeds | number | A bed can be thought of as a traditional channel-based stem with the rules and expectations of stem configurations (such as 2.0, 5.1, and 7.1). |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.bitDepth | number | Number of bits of information in each sample, generally 16, 24, or 32-bit. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.samplingRate | number | Audio sample-rate, generally 44100 or 48000 Hz. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.downmix51X | string | Global downmix metadata for monitoring, re-rendering, and encoding. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimModesSummary | string | A summary of the underlying trim modes. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel20Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.0 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel51Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel71Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel212Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel512Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel712Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.2 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel214Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 2.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel514Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 5.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.trimChannel714Mode | string | The type of trim mode supported for 7.1.4 channel configuration. The supported values are |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.associatedVideoFrameRate | number | Number of frames per second. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.start | string | Start SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.fFoA | string | FFoA (First Frame of Action) SMPTE timecode based on the video frame rate. |
items[].technicalMetadata.dolbyContainer.end | string | End SMPTE timecode based on the video |